Mr. Embah (hehehe)
thanks much...
the moral of the story is that i only warned of my friends here not to solely depend on the intermarket analysis.... sumtime, jex is very very can go up whenever all regional markets fall, or on the other way around...
bandarmologi....hehe....fine with that although i don't like bookies....i always attack them with my own ways....
great one...

jsx-consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr Schubert,

Tiap hari, tiap menit harga saham TURUN dan NAIK sedangkan informasi
tentang company RELATIF TIDAK BERUBAH......

Prospek Bank Danamon JANGKA PANJANG yang anda sebut bagus,
BAGUSnya bank Danamon adalah CONSTANT/TETAP dalam jangka
pendek kecuali ada berita BARU. Meskipun Fundamental bank Danamon
TIDAK BERUBAH harga saham BDMN akan berubah PAGI ini jika bursa
dibuka, bisa NAIK bisa TURUN.

- Jika pagi ini BDMN naik lagi, para analis FUNDUMBentalis akan bilang
prospek jangka panjang BDMN memang bagus.
- Jika pagi ini BDMN turun, maka para DUMBER tsb akan bilang,
laba BDMN turun 50% maka harganya turun.
- Jika TLKM pagi ini naik, para DUMBER tsb akan bilang laba TLKM
naik 50%.
- Jika TLKM pagi ini turun, alasan Fundamental SELALU BISA DIBIKIN
- contoh PERFORMANCE Quarter 2 2006 TLKM turun banyak dibanding
performance Q1 2006. Jadi penurunan ini wajar wajar aja....

PANJANG kecuali ada BERITA BARU. Tapi harus juga DIINGAT bahwa
BERITA LAMA bisa dijadikan BERITA BARU denga ditulis ulang dikoran
atau di milis. KENAPA BISA ?. Coba anda perhatikan IKLAN di TV yang
diulang ulang BERUNTUN untuk mempengaruhi para DUMBER CONSUMEN.
Begitu juga otak para TRADER/INVESTOR bisa di PROGRAM ULANG apalagi
kalo baca REKOMENDASI dari orang sekaliber Mr Schubert ,
pak Oentoeng, pak Eka dll SENIOR dimlis ini....

Sedangkan untuk pergerakan harga saham harian orang berusaha
mencari JALAN LAIN, setiap orang punya Caranya masing masing
seperti INTERMARKET ANALYSIS, TA dan embah pake
Bandarmologi TENTUNYA ... hehehe.....

Frederick Schubert wrote:

> why should we..then....?yang lebih penting adalah how would we get
> good information on what is going on and will happen in an individual
> company...chart is a kind of important stuff and complimentary, but it
> couldnt be treated as god....cheers
> Surata nyoman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> >chart is made based on historical data...there has
> never been any chart that >will exactly show where
> things will go to...
> Well said.
> Tetapi mengapa setelah membaca berbagai milis
> ternyata banyak investor BEJ berbangga hati wasting
> ratusan USD untuk membeli charting software yang
> dipromosikan dapat memprediksi pergerakan index
> ataupun saham hingga akurasi 3 digit belakang koma ?
> --- Frederick Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > tomorrow will be another story.... chart is made
> > based on historical data...there has never been any
> > chart that will exactly show where things will go
> > to...
> > anyway, if one theory is broken, it will never
> > become a valid one anymore... even if it is for one
> > day...
> > the moral of the event is...we can't just rely
> > everything solely on one theory...
> > no hard feeling...
> > cheers
> >
> >
> > ratmanard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > Will see tomorrow
> >
> > --- In, Frederick
> > Schubert
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > >
> > > iya....
> > > cuma buat matahin teori kalau ihsg ngekor dow
> > jones...hehehehe
> > >
> > > Rony Santoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> > > Asia/PacificLast TradeChangeRelated Info^AORDAll
> > OrdinariesAustralia4,953.900 2:17PM SGT 3.200
> > (0.06%)Components,
> > More^SSECShanghai CompositeChina1,598.381 2:31PM SGT
> > 14.352 (0.89%)
> > Components, More^HSIHang SengHong Kong16,946.32
> > 2:02PM SGT 25.02
> > (0.15%)Components, More^BSESNBSE 30India10,680.30
> > 3:02PM SGT 63.58
> > (0.59%) More^JKSEJakarta
> > CompositeIndonesia1,362.1591 3:01PM SGT
> > 10.51 (0.78%)Components, More^KLSEKLSE
> > CompositeMalaysia936.35
> > 3:02PM SGT 0.50 (0.05%)Components, More^N225Nikkei
> > 225Japan15,440.91
> > 2:00PM SGT 15.90 (0.10%) More^NZ50NZX 50New
> > Zealand3,578.129 1:32PM
> > SGT 2.436 (0.07%)Components, More^STIStraits
> > TimesSingapore2,443.68
> > 3:01PM SGT 1.75 (0.07%)Components, More^KS11Seoul
> > CompositeSouth
> > Korea1,287.36 2:02PM SGT 10.46 (0.81%)Components,
> > More^TWIITaiwan
> > WeightedTaiwan6,441.46 1:46PM SGT 13.12
> > (0.20%)Components, More
> > >
> > >
> > > Apa ini tanda2 alam?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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