Dear Pak Halim,

I'm agree that only one of ten people whom playing stocks win the 
game.Why?because they're not investor (hehe..)...they're thinking that they're 
an investor but actually they're not..
Some of them called themselves an investor but once again they're not...
There are three types of person in capital market:
1. Investor : "real" investor, buying for living
2. Trader included BD: looking for "low" price and hit at "high" price
3. Speculator: buying for gambling, maybe Pak Icchanks is one of them (but once 
again maybe...sorry if I'm wrong). Many people thinks that capital market is a 
shortcut to be rich. SOME people can do so, but MANY are not.Don't blame the 
seminar cause they're damned good enough but be selective. To be a GOOD player 
in capital market you have to be discipline, double-hearted (or maybe triple if 
not double), and you should learn a lot from your failure. Failure is a failure 
and not road to success, but if you can correct them then it will be your 

Cheers All,

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] serbu BUMI ? masa sih ga berani. Re: buy back Bumi
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 10:31 PM

Lho sejak kapan investor tidak dirugikan

9 dari 10 pemain pasar modal adalah orang rugi..dari dulu juga gitu koq.

siapa bilang saham bisa dibiarkan tanpa diawasi.

Player saham adalah pekerjaan yang berat..sama seperti pekerjaan-pekerjaan 

Tiap hari kita harus siap mental, analisa FA, menebak komposisi bandar. Tarik 
garis TA.

tanpa persiapan seperti itu... minggir aja.... ingat kata orang pintar..

"Kalau bekerja jangan setengah-setengah"

2008/11/20 icchanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
 Kalau gini caranya, kepercayaan pada pasar modal udah gak ada lagi
 karena yang paling dirugikan selalu investor. Saya masih ingat ikut
 seminar-seminar pasar modal setahun lalu yang isinya bagus-bagus
 semua, stocks for living lah, hahaha ternyata cuman jebakan ngajak
 masyarakat buat beli barang busuk, malah boz bei pernah recommend
 saham ini di salah satu seminar...

 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, hendra_bujang@ ... wrote:
 > Jadi kesimpulannya: terbitkan MTN (surat hutang) utk tukar guling
 dgn saham yang di-REPO? Paper Vs Paper? No cash payment????
 > Yang gak mau ditukar dgn MTN, terpaksa jual di pasar dengan harga
 murah (apalagi OFFER nya kayak gunung pasir) dan yang tidak mau
 kehilangan uangnya, terpaksa tukar saham REPO dgn MTN sembari berharap
 harap cemas
 > Begitu dapat saham REPO, sahamnya diREPO lagi utk buy back saham
 saham hasil cut loss ??????
 > So?......... ......... .kalau bisa buy back harga "murah" kenapa harus
 di 2500?????
 > How low can u go????????
 > Buy or Sell??????
 > Sent from my BlackBerry�
 > powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT



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