Embah, let Aimee clarify…

I am inspired to say this as I smell a major misapprehension. I need 
to stay poised.
You can adopt it as the different version of the global market watch.
Let me exclaim it out loud. "THE MARKET IS STILL BEARISH".
Temporary positive correction will keep on quite sometime, though.
At the beginning of New Year 2009, rebalancing portfolio is STILL 

HOWEVER, the quandary that we will encounter next year is much 

Let me verify plainly as follows:

1.      Oil price still remains volatile. Despite Iran's challenge 
of its resistance power, Arab's King's recall of $75 and OPEC's 
breathless effort to establish supply & demand equilibrium, the 
sudden oil price increase is NOT likely to happen. This is due to 
imperfect timing and momentum. In addition, the speculators who have 
bubbled oil to $147 are still bearish-minded as well. How do they 
work? Oil & commodities speculators exploit `buy & roll-over 
strategy' in their trading tactic. It is also attributed to the 
market failure factor. THIS confirms how oil had bubbled in a 
stunningly way up to July 08. After successfully READING the 
recession scenario and substantial demand's decline, they cashed 
out, quit, and oil price crashed. Don't also forget that oil price 
movement is in line with GDP and stock market's growth. Both Iran 
and Arab have stubbornly-smart brain. Not only they produce oil 
massively but they have also hoarded it in their expensively- rented 
tankers. I giggled aloud when the President proclaimed that IRAN is 
safe even if the oil price goes down to $5. Regrettably, oil is the 
pilot for commodities, energy and agriculture sector. If oil price 
is still insecure, be extra cautious and alert at these LINES UP. 
ESPECIALLY if the company is seriously fundamentally rotten, 
indebted and defaulted. 
2.      The credit bubble in the Wonderland far away there is still 
ACCUTE. A few people can really comprehend how the credit bubble has 
brought the Wonderland into a state of coma. The bad magic of credit 
bubble lies on its fractional-reserve system. With easy example of 
reserve ratio 9 : 1, the deposit of $10.000 will create loan money 
of $90.000 by commercial fin parties. The ratio can be made in 20 : 
1 or even 30 : 1. New dogma was then FALSELY created, MONEY = 
CREDIT, CREDIT = MONEY. The arrangement depends on the negotiation 
and charter's agreement. This has precipitated not only on 
individual level, but the vast majority on business and industrial 
sectors in the Wonderland (learn from Washington Mutual's case). Not 
only at banking, housing, financial, consumption and manufacturing 
sector, but prevalently at all sectors. This has triggered European 
countries urge back the world to return to Bretton Woods. To fix 
this avalanche, the Omama administration (the president of the 
Wonderland & his economic team) needs long time & process. 
3.      As my last posting was undeniably true, please now enjoy the 
moment of temporary up. This will consume sometime before the Lunar 
Eclipse (Quarter 2 - 3 of 2009). The Lunar Eclipse will be 
signalized by the designation of THE 5th ELLIOT WOLVE'S MIDNIGHT 
BARK (read: Elliot Wave 5) on the frontier which will bring the LORD 
DOW with the hang rope 6666. 

To conclude, this is my new single release: `Welcome Hang Rope 6666 

And with Indonesia:

I do PRAY that the GOI could anticipate and handle the problem from 
EXTERNAL FACTORS while decisively going on cleaning up its internal 
problems. Please work round the clock and predict the unpredictable. 
Credit & financial derivative problems in the Wonderland contains 
invaluable lessons for our emerging market. We don't need to copy 
their failure. The system has failed. Tightening credit granting and 
monetary system, clean & strict due diligence, impartial law 
enforcement, domestic economy enhancement as the backbone, and the 
breeding of productivity as well as hard working culture to the 
people can help save the next generation from similar case collapse.

Aimee strongly recalls money market depositors TO AVOID mass 
withdrawal and rush in any manner and in any time next year to 
secure the republic from 98's nightmare again. PLEASE, WITH ALL DUE 

They need to maintain reserve ratio and adequate capitalization to 
carry on the country's financial tough challenge ahead. At least the 
intellectual pretty minister and the calm governor have been really 
working hard on this.

And KPK, chase for more! I will contribute to deploy Kalingga's 
Special Unit Forces (KSUF) if you need some back up to restore the 
corruption in your republic.

And IDX…..

GBU, Indonesia. Amen.


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