pak arto.......bagaimana kata bozz di tahun 2009 ??
semua bilang it's getting worse....
hanya anda dan elaine saja yang kontrarian.....hehehe......
apa bisa disebutkan alasan nya ? 
ntar tiba2 habis bilang buy....trus tiba2 SELL ALL....

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: artomoro9 
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 8:31 AM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] lets gets rock n roll with santa clause.

  buy more.!

  slow but sure to ihsg 1300.  maybe 2000 end january 2009.

  pilih saham nya tanya prof. JT saja. hehehehe. 

  bumi? volume baru 20%.


  artomoro9 (santa clause says : ho ho ho...!!!)

  Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    EL, on the contrary, I am all LOADED with commo. I even did that before 
your posts...
    What I wish? idx to be 2000 of course, no Q asked.

    2008/12/4 Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

      Ha! you wish..  It's near Christmas. Why don't we just... get along..?  
It's freezing in China, Japan, Russia, New York. Need more  e n e r g y, 

      Oh come on, don't tell me you didn't expect that. Q4/FY result will be 
'above expectation'. Window dressings. January effect. Market friendly economic 
policies. Bottom calls. The worst is OVER.

      Yes, I boldly say, NO MORE CRISES. Credit crunch soon will be just 
historical. Wake up! Jangan pusing dengan bad news from CNBC, Bloomberg, FT, 
blah. They're media corp, it's their job to sell news.

      Sure you don't have to do anything I say. But I'm sure it will be 
something you regret later. 


      2008/12/4 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Sptnya besok bisa minus nih pak, dow buka langsung minus 1%...minyak 
jatuh lagi...
        mungkin besok dikasih <6000? Most likely...gak apa.
        Pak JT sdh masuk belum tuh? apa masih nunggu 5500? Saya sementara di 
PTBA aja pak, sdh ada posisi...tanggung, mending nambah posisi di sana daripada 
buka posisi baru di saham baru.

        2008/12/4 y_dizz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

          Mungkinkah Jumat besok menjadi Jumat kesekian kali yang hijau, sekali 
          lagi mematahkan mitos "Jumat selalu merah". Tapi kok rasanya long 
          weekend 3 hari bikin kurang sip ya. Biarlah, waktu yang akan menjawab.

          Gak minat nemenin saya di ITMG Pak?

          --- In, Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          > Tutup 6350 pak, mungkin ikut bumi. Besok kalo turun lagi biar saja, 
          > jangan terlalu panik lah, barang bagus...
          > Saya sih simpan ptba saya terus...kalo turun avg down aja 
          (tergantung juga
          > sih, anda mainnya harian apa mingguan apa bulanan... :))
          > Good luck ya pak!
          > On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:46 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          > > Udah masuk pak Rei. Penutupan kayanya OK tuh. Tadi gak sempat 
          > > Besok kita liat. Semoga.
          > >
          > > Regards,
          > > ND
          > >
          > > Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(R)
          > >
          > > ------------------------------
          > > *From*: Rei
          > > *Date*: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 13:59:23 +0700
          > > *To*: <>
          > > *Subject*: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI + BMRI + BBCA - Intraday
          > >
          > > Masuk aja pak...hehe Sdh oke koq 6100 :-)
          > > Dikasih si bawah 6000? Wah, diluar kuasa saya boss
          > >
          > > kompor mode on
          > > p.s. Time horizon saya beda ya...
          > >
          > >
          > > On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:54 PM, JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
          > >
          > >> You read my mind..hehe.., coba kita tanya Pak Rei, kita 
          tawar dibawah
          > >> 6000 boleh ngga?? he
          > >>
          > >> JsxTrader
          > >>
          > >> ------------------------------
          > >> *From:* "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          > >> *To:*
          > >> *Sent:* Thursday, December 4, 2008 12:50:39 PM
          > >> *Subject:* Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: BBRI + BMRI + BBCA - Intraday
          > >>
          > >> Pak JT,
          > >> Gimana kalo kita join pak Rei di PTBA? Ada chance gak? Kayanya 
          udah mulai
          > >> ngarah ke supportnya tuh. Apa tunggu dulu di bawah 6000?
          > >> Advise ya!
          > >> Saya ikut keluar juga td dr BBRI
          > >>
          > >> Regards,
          > >> ND
          > >>
          > >> Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(R)
          > >>


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