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-----Original Message-----
From: "gusmar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 19:36:43 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

Termasuk Buy  BUMI   EL?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Elaine Sui 
  Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 7:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Arah index?

  BUY! I'll be consistent with this, Rei. You should check it yourself, market 
is now getting more and more resistant to bad news. The news media has the 
ability to make good news sounds bad, and bad news sounds worse.

  Massive layoffs. Falling oil price. Bailouts. From an investor view, these 
are GOOD news. Massive layoffs = efficiency. Falling oil price = lower 
operating cost. Bailouts = Govt. takeovers/acquisition. 

  Since about one hundred years ago, the economy always has the ability to cure 
itself, and for Q109 (or FY08) results,they will be overall above expectation. 
Investors should get maximum investment return if they start to accumulate now.

  And I know Oentoeng is somehow bullish too, but he's kinda awkward as a bear 
messenger to say that..

  Rei, since you're an investor, why don't you -in your spare time- compare ID 
banks vs US banks. You'll see that ID banks are quite expensive - valuation 
wise - for a reason. Can you tell me why?


  2008/12/6 Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Buat para master di sini, bagaimana feeling kalian mengenai arah index 
menjelang akhir tahun dan memasuki Q1 2009?
    Tentu sdh jelas ada beberapa pihak yg menginginkan index bullish dgn 
postingan "buy" tiap kali, ada yg masih mau index jatuh dgn ancaman 
"pentungan/bom", dst. 
    Dari postingan2/komen2 yg muncul belakangan ini sptnya index akan naik dulu 
(1400? 1800? 2000?) sblm dipentung lagi ke bawah 1000? Semua cuma bisa 
mengira2... Yah tidak ada yg bisa kasih prediksi 100%, tp setidak2nya ada arah 
buat pegangan kita... :-)


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