Pak Hmin, dgn DOW & REGIONAL cendrung MERAH pagi ini masih boleh buy?
secara fundamental saham mana yg prospek utk dibelanja hari ini? pak
Hmin punya pilihan saham klub 50 yg bisa disimpan 6bln-2thn dgn target
300%-500% ? thx

--- In, "Halim Mintareja" <hmin...@...>
> Yup 100% Agree...
> Kandang stock juga dituker. Hari ini ke pake XX besok jual pakai YY.
> Malah tahun lalu bisa beli pakai AA-F jual pakai BB-D dengan biaya extra
> 25.000 per saham :D. Tahun ini procedure itu dipersulit
> Anyway...I said this is BEAR rally.... Elaine said this is BULL rally.
> both said.. xxxx RALLY... so BUUUYYYY
> Good luck
> 2008/12/11 Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...>
> >  *Artomoro dan Oentoeng punya kenal bozz. Elaine tidak tahu bozz.
> > Market Makers itu Elaine tahu. They're responsible for maintaining
> > liquidity. About 40% of the daily volume is NOT made by traders.
> > sedikit traders (with adequate fund) untuk bisa keep IDX liquid,
and most
> > big funds are not doing day trading.
> >
> > These market makers are official and endorsed by the IDX (though never
> > exposed). Basically what they do are just moving things around. So
you know.
> > Sometimes you may see their work by looking at broker codes, like
broker XX
> > bought 60,000 shares, and then sold 59,500 shares on the next day.
I assure
> > you  that THIS was done by a market maker. The fact that they only
did a net
> > buy of 500 shares. No fees of course.
> >
> > Without them, IDX will be very 'dry' and volatile. Their job is to
> > buyers/sellers for everyone. Every stock market has market makers,
I dunno
> > about IDX, but in the US this is done by automated computers.
> >
> > Elaine*
> >
> > 2008/12/11 elvira raven <elvirara...@...>
> >
> >> jgn telan bulat2 omongan di milist ini... bahkan sekalipun ia seorang
> >> jendral di milis ataupun institutional dealer di sekuritas asing ..
> >> setiap orang punya kepentingan masing2 dalam posting disini, apalagi
> >> dealer2 asing yg pake nama bozz dan lain2...
> >>
> >>
> >> --- On Thu, 12/11/08, y_dizz <y_d...@...> wrote:
> >>
> >> > From: y_dizz <y_d...@...>
> >> > Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: bozz lagi duduk manis...
> >> > To:
> >> > Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 1:41 AM
> >> > Katanya DONT SELL ANYTHING, sekarang kok suruh disiplin pada
> >> > target
> >> > Pak?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --- In, artomoro9
> >> > <artomoro9@>
> >> > wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > cuaca belum mendukung...
> >> > >
> >> > > sabar...
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > kalo cuaca mendukung, bozz siap2 terbangin lagi.
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > jangan lupa disiplin pada target anda.
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > salam,
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > artomoro9  (ngopi dulu aaahh...)
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
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> >> > sekarang!
> >> > >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> > 
> >

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