*IDX slumped because of commodity crash back in mid 2008. I remember that I
already told you guys that we were switching to financials and avoid
energy/agriculture for 2H08.

If you ask whether we got hit, then the answer is yes we were hit (I guess
everyone were too) in the 2H, but not severe and fortunately we're still
outperforming the market, thanks for the commodity rally. Our analyst team
was right about commodity crash in 2H and Bakrie repos case, but the
bankruptcy of LEH was a shocker. We had to let go some of the losing
positions and rebalance our portfolio.

MARKET. Remember this, some corporations have major problem with cash but
that is because most OTHER major corporations are holding their HUGE amount
of money inside their sleeves, waiting to be SPENT in 2009.

And you know what,.. I'm happy for you too. Do not overtrade, INVEST!.. or
at least expand your trading timeframe. Don't get cornered with the market
volatility, you will lose. Be a winner. BUY!!

Where is jsxtrader anyway... yoohoo... r u there... [?]

2008/12/30 Vincent Chase <chase.vinc...@yahoo.com>

>  this is buy more part 2 rite?
> do you still keep buy more part 1, the one that you have posted b4 ihsg
> slumped?
> *Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>* wrote:
>  *
> HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009. May everyone has good health and prosperity.
> Here's a review for buy and hold strategy (refer to the hints below, Dec
> 6th):
> * * * *Dec 5* *Dec 30
> * * GAIN(%) *  *LPKR* *840* *800* *      (4.76)*  *DEWA* *50* *50* *
> -   *  *BTEL* *50* *51* *       2.00 *  *ADRO* *475* *485* *       2.11 *
> *INCO* *1890* *1930* *       2.12 *  *INDF* *890* *930* *       4.49 *  *
> HEXA* *630* *690* *       9.52 *  *MEDC* *1690* *1870* *     10.65 *  *
> LSIP* *2600* *2925* *     12.50 *  *JSMR* *800* *910* *     13.75 *  *BUMI
> * *760* *910* *     19.74 *  *ISAT* *4750* *5750* *     21.05 *  *MNCN* *
> 125* *154* *     23.20 *  *BMRI* *1640* *2025* *     23.48 *  *AALI* *7900
> * *9800* *     24.05 *  *SMGR* *3325* *4150* *     24.81 *  *SOBI* *680* *
> 900* *     32.35 *
> * *
> *What do you think? I assume traders should have better gain than above
> figure. JsxTrader? Embah?
> Elaine
> *
> 2008/12/6 Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
>> *I'll quit posting until January 2009. Let the market speak for itself. I
>> have told what you guys may want to know, and I think you get the message
>> clearly. And, since OB already has a bullish general Artomoro, I hope you
>> guys listen carefully to his commands. I WILL support him.
>> Gen. Art, good luck with your mission.
>> [?]Good night, take care, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2009.[?]
>> Elaine Sui
>> Dec08 top performers: Indosat, Darma Henwa, Sorini, Bakrie Telecom, Bumi
>> Res, Adaro, Mandiri, INCO, Medco, PP London Sumatera, Hexindo, Lippo K,
>> Jasa, Astra Agro, MNC, Cemen Gressik and Indofood. Traders! Put these on
>> your watchlist.
>> *
>> 2008/12/6 artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id>
>>  buy more..!! just BUY...
>>> bear waria says index mau ke 900 ternyata sudah tidak terbukti. pentungan
>>> sudah hilang.
>>> bumi mau ke 500 juga tidak terbukti, malah kita sudah dapat harga murah,
>>> kalo ada sale lagi, ya kita tampungin, volume yang kita mau baru 20%-an dari
>>> keseluruhan total volume yg kita inginkan. buat siapa? he he he.
>>> november rain..?? aah november sudah lewat. yang ada hanya desember
>>> ceria.
>>> oli price dijadikan ajang spekulasi para pedagang komoditi saja. gak
>>> perlu kuatir.
>>> kecuali wallstreet tutup, mungkin artomoro jadi pengepul kertas. he he
>>> he.
>>> kemaren dow minus -600an , BEI hanya minus kecil. biasalah sudah.
>>> BEI sudah sangat imun dengan semua bad news US dan lainnya.
>>> memang situasi begini tidak di sukai para trader tek tok. hahaha.
>>> maunya buy lowest hari itu trus hari itu juga maunya harga terbang
>>> tinggi. he he he.
>>> rubahlah dari trader menjadi investor. kalo jadi traders cuma bikin
>>> kenyang broker nya. hehehe..(maaf brokers, becanda)
>>> so. apa yang di tunggu. kereta santa sudah bawa hadiah besar utk 2009.
>>> silakan pilih. cari yang lap keu Q3 sangat bagus, yang menjadi leader di
>>> sectornya, next year anda jadi milyarder, so next year cuma 1 bulan dari
>>> sekarang.
>>> artomoro9 (sang pengepul : ho ho ho....!)
>>> *Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>* wrote:
>>>  *BUY! I'll be consistent with this, Rei. You should check it yourself,
>>> market is now getting more and more resistant to bad news. The news media
>>> has the ability to make good news sounds bad, and bad news sounds worse.
>>> Massive layoffs. Falling oil price. Bailouts. From an investor view,
>>> these are GOOD news. Massive layoffs = efficiency. Falling oil price = lower
>>> operating cost. Bailouts = Govt. takeovers/acquisition.
>>> Since about one hundred years ago, the economy always has the ability to
>>> cure itself, and for Q109 (or FY08) results,they will be overall above
>>> expectation. Investors should get maximum investment return if they start to
>>> accumulate now.
>>> And I know Oentoeng is somehow bullish too, but he's kinda awkward as a
>>> bear messenger to say that..[?]
>>> Rei, since you're an investor, why don't you -in your spare time- compare
>>> ID banks vs US banks. You'll see that ID banks are quite expensive -
>>> valuation wise - for a reason. Can you tell me why?
>>> Elaine**
>>> *
>>> 2008/12/6 Rei <highwaysta...@gmail.com>
>>>>  Buat para master di sini, bagaimana feeling kalian mengenai arah index
>>>> menjelang akhir tahun dan memasuki Q1 2009?
>>>> Tentu sdh jelas ada beberapa pihak yg menginginkan index bullish dgn
>>>> postingan "buy" tiap kali, ada yg masih mau index jatuh dgn ancaman
>>>> "pentungan/bom", dst.
>>>> Dari postingan2/komen2 yg muncul belakangan ini sptnya index akan
>>>> naik dulu (1400? 1800? 2000?) sblm dipentung lagi ke bawah 1000? Semua cuma
>>>> bisa mengira2... Yah tidak ada yg bisa kasih prediksi 100%, tp setidak2nya
>>>> ada arah buat pegangan kita... :-)
>>> ------------------------------
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