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 <> Reuters

Feng shui <>  masters 
see calmer markets in Year of the Ox
Wed Jan 21 03:19:00 UTC 2009 

By Susan Fenton

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Stock investors reeling from last year's market mayhem 
may take some solace from practitioners of the ancient Chinese art of feng 
shui, who predict a calmer, if subdued, performance in the coming Chinese Year 
of the Ox.

"This year of the Ox is an 'earth' year, when people will take a breather and 
reflect on what they should do after a turbulent 2008," said Hong Kong feng 
shui master Raymond Lo.

Practitioners of feng shui maintain the universe is made up of five elements -- 
earth, water, fire, wood and metal -- that define the collective mood in our 

Earth is the calmest of the elements and this year is a "yin earth" year as 
well as an Ox year, symbolizing a more feminine energy, says Lo.

The Year of the Ox, which starts on January 26, will be the most peaceful year 
globally since 2000, he says, but stock investors don't need to rush into the 
market yet.

"2009 will be a 'pure earth' year, which means fire will be missing so there 
will not be a lot of drive to push up the stock market," said Lo. The economic 
climate will still be tough and though stock markets might rise in the first 
half of this year, gains could peter out in the second half, Lo said.

"The market should still be quite low in the second half and that would be a 
good time to get in ahead of a recovery in 2010 (the Year of the Tiger)," he 

The global outlook will be helped by the fact that incoming U.S. President 
Barack Obama was born in a "yin earth" year, like President Abraham Lincoln. 
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou are also 
"yin earth" people.

"This is a new generation of leaders. They are more calm, humane and 
charismatic," Lo said.

Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Charles Darwin, Tchaikovsky and Sigmund Freud, 
were all born in "yin earth" years which symbolize harmony and a move to a new 

The last "yin earth" year of the Ox, in 1949, saw the birth of NATO and the 
People's Republic of China.


Vincent Koh of the Singapore Feng Shui Center agrees that financial markets 
will be subdued.

"Don't pick high-risk assets this year, be patient and don't expect high 
returns," Koh said.

The global economy could start to pick up in the second half of 2009, says Koh, 
who sees busy merger and acquisition activity, but adds that banks will 
continue to be reluctant to lend.

A report this month by Japanese research company Daiwa Institute, however, 
warned that Ox years are usually disastrous for stocks and Japan's Nikkei stock 
index has fallen by an average 11.4 percent in each of the past five Years of 
the Ox.

Feng shui masters have a mixed record when it comes to market predictions. Lo 
forecast a stock market correction a year ago but also advised investors to put 
their money into property.

Prof. Charlie Chao, a leading feng shui expert in the Philippines, was quoted 
in a CLSA research note a year ago as warning of a possible global economic 
crisis in 2008.

But he also forecast a better performance for the Philippine stock market. That 
didn't happen. Manila stocks slumped 48 percent last year, reversing a 21 
percent gain in 2007.

Chinese emperors put great faith in advice from feng shui masters as do many 
business tycoons and politicians in Chinese societies today. Apartment blocks 
and office buildings as well as furniture are often positioned according to 
feng shui principles to generate "wealth."

Banking giant HSBC's Hong Kong headquarters was built in accordance with feng 
shui guidelines and Hong Kong Disneyland changed the angle of its main entrance 
after consulting a feng shui expert.

As fewer people buy property or start businesses during the economic downturn, 
Michael Teo, a feng shui master at I-Ching Fengshui in recession-hit Singapore, 
is seeing a drop in business.

However, sales of auspicious feng shui jade carvings, which cost $2,000-$3,000 
and are believed to bring wealth, are being snapped up every day, he says.

Koh compares feng shui with a reliable weather forecast, saying it can help us 
anticipate changes in our environment.

"We cannot stop the rain, but knowing it is going to fall we can prevent 
ourselves from getting drenched," he says.

But getting wet may be a minor concern in the Year of the Ox. While financial 
markets should be calmer, Koh foresees the spread of disease and a spate of 
natural disasters, particularly in the northern hemisphere, with landslides, 
floods and earthquakes in store.

(Additional reporting by Kash Cheong in Singapore and Elaine Lies in Tokyo)

(Editing by Megan Goldin)

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