hayalan saya, kek fase2 per-kimpoi-an aja kali ya..

Klu masih fase pacaran, mo putus sie.. ok2 ajah

Fase dah merit tapi blum punya momongan, mo cerai.. still masih 
tetep ok lah.. walau lebih agak pelik dikit.. 

nach klu ude fase dah punya buntut 5, mo cerai.. pasti puyeng bgt 
mikir bolak balik.. hehehe.. u need, I need juga lah, selain.. tu 
buntut mo di-kemana-in..

Sekarang pan sikonnya.. u butuh ngutang kan, owe butuh jualan buat 
makanin owe punya mulut se-gedhe gaban bengkak (saking wuakeh-e ;P). 
U brani persulit owe punya barang masuk, ti-ati (lagi :)).. 

Pan faktanya selama ini, si pengutang cuman isa menghimbau aka 
menyeru aje, ayoo dunk naik-kin nilai mata uang ngkoh.. (plizzz.. dg 
pelan bgt ampe ndak kedengeran, di-luar-annya sie sok 'jaim' 
punya.. :p) gtu aja kan.. hehehe.. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, agung aja <agung.ke...@...> 
> Can Asia be decoupling with US ?
> Go For It Miss ...
> Dont forget to pray because DJIA is dying and how about world 
economic growth, is it possible to survive ???
> regards
> ________________________________
> From: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...>
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 9:49:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] THE TRUTH UNVEILED
> Elaine's 10 commandments:
> 1.. Thou shalt buy commodities & energy stocks 
> 2. Thou shalt avoid consumer stocks
> 3. Thou shalt avoid gold
> 4. Thou shalt invest
> 5. The guy below is retarded
> 6. All bears are retarded
> 7. Asia vs Western Decoupling
> 8. Thou shalt love crises as an opportunity.
> 9. Thou shalt avoid worthless US dollars.
> 10. China & Indonesia = Money Machine.
> Elaine
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Ratu Sima <ratus...@gmail. com> 
> Aimee CAN'T see no more how slow & retarded the process of 
> clearing within SP & its alike.
> With how tough the market has been underway nowadays, this case 
> tackled promptly & rightly..
> How national stock market CAN BE further saved if the common 
> are poorly protected & appreciated.
> In the Big General's Regime, there are people above the law BUT now
> there should be more people en masse against them or it will 
continue to
> be Zero Sum Game.
> Let me be straight:
> This long deflationary period WON'T last too long. By the 3rd 
Quarter of
> this year, it will jump into INFLATION. This tight-preservation  of
> interest rate of 'Wait & See' Game WILL eventually blow up & turn 
> cycle around.
> I have been in China for days & people have started to worry about 
> 2000 B currency reserve put in US Treasury. When the recession is 
> further, the yield & benefit of it is only exercised for 
subsidizing the
> Neverland's crisis. In turn, it CAN bubble inflation & spread 
> the worlds.
> When it occurs, the world's economy can be in the lost decade.
> Properties, on the other hand, CAN'T be a safe-heaven as well. Yet,
> infrastructure development is COSTLY. Precious metals might do 
save but
> the world's economy is fixed in the Neverland's fiat currency and 
> other countries paralyzed.
> Don't be fed up with how equity market has been on the way because 
> truth is 'as the way it is'. It is still miles away to go up.
> Meanwhile, let me recall again:
> Clear up soon domestic homeworks before things fall any further.
> Indonesia is in dire need of transitional figure who would stand 
up to
> what they believe.
> When times of up come along, only clear state of equity business
> practices can guarantee IHSG to grow along its international 
> market.
> For dear investors, stick back to growth stocks, clean clean growth
> stocks. Never be mystified by the reborn of cyclical stock.
> For traders, hit & run will still be ON.
> Ratusima,
> The United Kingdom of Kalingga, Java
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