thnks prof..

kemaren mau masuk takutnya turun lg...hehehehhe
gw mau average down boss...
bottomnya udah 1700 apa masih lower lg...

gw ikut boss rei..buat long invest

From: JsxTrader <>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2009 2:14:51
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BMRI Tp 1.7 x BV ( Rp 2650 )

kalau ngincer bmri kemarin wkt tes gap napa gak masuk? kalau sekarang sih 
tunggu close diatas 1740 deh.
ASII kemarin juga test gap 10800...lari lagi tuh..., berikutnya yg ada gap 
BBCA.., coba aja ntar kita liat,di tes ngga..

 From: Yanuar Mustofa <yanuar.mustofa@>
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:53:30 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] BMRI Tp 1.7 x BV ( Rp 2650 )

bmri rada aneh nich..lap keunya blm keluar2...
tapi TP tiap broker diatas 2300-an....
apa karena lap keunya bagus yaaa..makanya blm dimuncul2in. .atau malah jelek..

tp menurut terawangan gw sich bagus...katrena akan katrol sektor banking nanti..

pak JT...udah boleh mulai collect gak neh....klo diliat dr sisi volume

thnks again to prof JT

 From: simon bolenang <simon_bolenang@>
To: obrolan-bandar yahoogroups <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>; saham 
yahoogroups <sa...@yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 February 2009 12:07:58
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] BMRI Tp 1.7 x BV ( Rp 2650 )

Bank Mandiri 
Bank Mandiri (BMRI IJ) is now Arief’s top pick out of Indonesia.  He raised PO 
17% to Rp 2,800 and lifts 2009-10 forecast bottom line by 12-29%.  BMRI has 
successfully revolutionized its operation, strengthened risk management, and 
cleaned up loan portfolio over the last 4 years and these structural changes 
are set to deliver sustainable improvement in earnings and RoE.  As Indonesia 
implements easing monetary and expansionary fiscal policies, Arief see 2009-10 
earnings benefits from higher NIM, better than anticipated loan growth, and 
resilient economic growth hence lower loan loss provisions. Stock trades on 
6.3x EPS and 1.1x P/BV '09.  Arief thinks the bank worth 1.7x BV when market 
realize fears about relaps restructured loan in BMRI is out of place.  
http://research1. ?q= V4ruqvv8RwrltljEpgr EYA%3D%3D& r=eryado 

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