There are only two basic definitions for bullish and bearish volume:
1. Bullish volume is increasing volume on up-moves and decreasing
volume on down-moves.
2. Bearish volume is increasing volume on down-moves and decreasing
volume on up-moves.
Knowing this is only a start and in many cases, not a great deal of
help for trading. You need to know more
than this general observation. You need to look at the price spread
and price action in relation to the
volume. Most technical analysis tools tend to look at an area of a
chart rather than a trading point. That is,
averaging techniques are used to smooth what is seen as noisy data.
The net effect of smoothing is to
diminish the importance of variation in the data flow and to hide the
true relationship between volume and
the price action, rather than highlighting it!
By using the TradeGuider software, volume activity is automatically
calculated and displayed on a separate
indicator called the `Volume Thermometer'. The accuracy of this leaves
you in no doubt that bullish
volume is expanding volume on up-bars and decreasing volume on down-bars.
The market is an on-going story, unfolding bar by bar. The art of
reading the market is to take an overall
view, not to concentrate on individual bars. For example, once a
market has finished distributing, the
`smart money' will want to trap you into thinking that the market is
going up. So, near the end of a
distribution phase you may, but not always, see either an up-thrust
(see later) or low volume up-bars. Both
of these observations mean little on their own. However, because there
is weakness in the background,
these signs now become very significant signs of weakness, and the
perfect place to take a short position.
Any current action that is taking place cannot alter the strength or
weakness that is embedded (and latent)
in the background. It is vital to remember that near background
indications are just as important as the
most recent.
As an example, you do exactly the same thing in your life. Your daily
decisions are based on your
background information and only partly on what is happening today. If
you won the lottery last week, yes,
you might be buying a yacht today, but your decision to buy a yacht
today will be based on your recent
background history of financial strength appearing in your life last
week. The stock market is the same.
Today's action is heavily influenced by recent background strength or
weakness, rather than what is
actually happening today (this is why 'news' does not have a long-term
effect). If the market is being
artificially marked up, this will be due to weakness in the
background. If prices are being artificially
marked down, it will be due to strength in the background.
If prices are dropping on volume that is less than the previous two
bars (or candles), especially if spread
with the price closing in the middle or high of the bar, this
indicates that there is `no selling pressure'.
Down-bars: s are narrow,
Up-bars: Weakness manifests itself on up-bars, especially when spreads
are narrow, with volume less than the previous two bars
(or candles). This shows that there is `no demand' from professional

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