Untuk HR sih lebih aman dia terkena kasus pidana(meringkuk di sel) daripada 
perdata, bayangin aja kalo HR hanya terkena  perdata pasti dikejar-kejar 8000an 
nasabah nya sampai ke ujung dunia..mau sembunyi dimana dia.....?? Oleh karena 
itu lawyernya tidak mau minta penangguhan penahanan...

--- On Fri, 3/13/09, Mayor_trend <brnie...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Mayor_trend <brnie...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] hukuman yg pantas buat maddoff
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009, 12:27 AM

Apa yang gak bisa dilegalkan di negeri ini,yang hitam bisa diputihkan. 
Jangankan uang kita tenggelam di BEI,seluruh harta benda tenggelam di lumpur 
juga dianggap wajar tertimpa bencana 

On 3/13/09, dario kurniawan <darioamran1976@ yahoo.co. id> wrote:

Madoff 150 tahun...HR 1,5 tahun ?? apa 1,5 bulan ?? atau jangan2 cuma perdata 
bukan pidana??
give us justice pleaseeeeee. ..

Dario Amran

--- Pada Jum, 13/3/09, Dukun JSX <ir.budi.wibowo@ gmail.com> menulis:

Dari: Dukun JSX <ir.budi.wibowo@ gmail.com>
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] hukuman yg pantas buat maddoff
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Jumat, 13 Maret, 2009, 7:04 AM

Kayaknya nggak "Ada" dech,
Coba kalau ada pasti udah kita penjarakan, kan negara kita negara hukum,



Sent from my BlackBerry® 

From: "tora" 
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 07:03:04 +0700
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] hukuman yg pantas buat maddoff

kalo di indonesia, siapa analogi orang  ini? dan apa hukuman yg pantas?

Time to Vote For Bernie Madoff's Sentence



Here are the ten finalists in our contest for the most creative sentence for 
Bernard Madoff.
Many of you sent in similar ideas, but I've chosen those who either came up 
with a particular idea first, or fleshed the idea out most creatively. I've 
been overwhelmed by the responses, and I hope this little exercise helped 
people let off steam.
Voting ends at the close of the market today and then I will announce the 
And the nominees are...
1) "Tie him to a pole in Bagdad wearing a NY Yankee's shirt and a Salmon 
Rushdie ball cap."
2) "He should be made to eat Benjamins ($100 bills) until his pampered gut 
3) "I think we should just release him. He lost money for the Russian oligarchs 
and possibly the Russian mob. There's really nowhere to go to hide from those 
guys. Bon voyage Bernie!"
4) "Sentence him to life working everyday for the SEC, finding people just like 
him who haven't been found yet...Give him leave to go walk in Central Park for 
an hour everytime he finds another crook, and leave to go to a very good 
restaurant for dinner everytime he turns up somebody who whacked the public for 
upwards of $100,000,000. Other performance bonuses can be created. Never mind 
his rotting in jail; it might feel good, but does nothing for us but force us 
to feed him. He's very smart, very experienced, and we should put him to work 
catching people just like him."
5) "I think we should trade him to the Palestinians for Israeli soldiers."
6) "Ten minutes alone in a room with the investors he cheated."
7) "Mr. Madoff could be the new Wal-Mart greeter! I hear Wal-Mart is hiring! 
Sometimes that place feels like a jail when it's packed!"
8) "Get him performing 'hard labor' on those infrastructure projects - operate 
a jackhammer, carry heavy loads of building materials, bridge repairs, 
whatever. Keep him working until he drops. The sooner the better. At least we 
all get something out of it."
9) "They should put him in a glass bubble and make him tour every city in the 
world wearing a prison uniform that says "Lonely, Pathetic and Shameful"... 
they should open the glass bubble at each stop and let people egg him for a 
nominal fee of $1. This would bring a new meaning of having 'egg on your face'. 
The investors could recoup billions of dollars over the next several years..."
10) "Fifteen years in same cell with chimpanzee."


Which verdict do you prefer?   * 4016 responses

Baghdad pole

Eating $100 bills

Release him and wait for Russian mob

Work for SEC

Trade to Palestinians

Ten minutes with his victims

Wal-Mart greeter

Hard labor on infrastructure projects

Glass bubble tour

15 years with chimp

Not a scientific survey.

Apakah wajar artis ikut Pemilu? 
Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!


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