permisi ... puntennn ... berjuta juta maaf u/ posting saya yang out of topic. berkaitan dengan musibah situ gintung, mungkin ada member #ob di jakarta atau sekitarnya yang bisa meng adopsi / menampung hewan2 yang kehilangan tuan nya akibat musibah itu.
sekali lg saya minta maaf jika ada yang tidak berkenan. siapa tau ada yang bisa membantu kami. karena hewan2 yang menderita juga butuh pertolongan & mereka hampirĀ tidak punya lobby di negri ini. Vielen Dank. Terima kasih. At least 78 people died when a dam burst its walls amid torrential rains near the Indonesian capital of Jakarta early Friday. While teams are all around seaching for human victims JAAN tries to assist to help the animals in the area. The mud is around 40 cm high and the area is difficult accessible, with complete electricity failure. JAAN is need of the following to help the animals : Towels, Dog leashes, cages (used items are ok) and dog and cat food Contact JAAN today 0813 149 626 08 if you can foster rescued animals or want to volunteer in the field. website: Please drop any donations (don't call us as we are in the field) by at our office at Jalan Kemang Timur 17B, Jakarta JAAN has rescued two dog friday covered in mud night, and the JAAN team continues daily to search for human and animal victims in the area.