Kalau mau jeli sih..
Emerging market dan asian market..rata-rata low maret > low october.

Europe market dan US market low maret < low october

soros sih gak salah bilang masih BEAR Market rally... sorros kan main di US

Indo.. no comment.. too much noise...tunggu short sell diperbolehkan baru
market sebenarnya nampak

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 6:47 PM, jsx_consultant <
jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id> wrote:

>   Soros bilang: Ini masih BEAR MARKET RALLY
> Tapi kalo kita perhatikan pola wave IHSG dan DJI berbeda:
> http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?t=2y&s=%5EJKSE&l=off&z=l&q=l&c=&c=%5EDJI
> - IHSG bentuk last wavenya: UPTREND (Higher Low + Higher High)
> - DJI bentuk last wavenya: masih DOWNTREND (Lower High + Lower Low)
> El, What do you think ?.
> Will Indonesia, China and India market have different market
> rally compared to US market ? Will the world's indexes decouple ?.

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