Economy's free-fall probably eased in 1st quarter
Pace of economic decline likely eased in 1st quarter, raising hope recession's 
grip loosening
Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer
On Wednesday April 29, 2009, 12:24 am EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The recession's grip on the country may be letting up a bit.

The government is set to release a report Wednesday expected to show the 
economy shrank at a pace of 5 percent in the first three months of this year. 
If Wall Street analysts' forecasts' are correct, the figure -- while still 
extremely weak -- would be viewed as a hopeful sign that the worst of the 
recession -- in terms of lost economic activity -- may be past.

"The recession is easing up," said John Silvia, chief economist at Wachovia. 
"We're probably bottoming out here in the first half of this year."

The economy in the final three months of last year logged its worst downhill 
slide in a quarter-century, contracting at a 6.3 percent annual rate as nervous 
American consumers ratcheted back spending in the face of rising unemployment, 
falling home values and shrinking nest eggs.

The less steep decline in economic activity anticipated by analysts in the 
January-March quarter is based on the expectation that shoppers at home and 
abroad didn't pull back quite as much at the start of this year.

Consumer spending, which accounts for roughly 70 percent of national economic 
activity, is still expected to be negative. But it will probably log a small 
dip versus the big 4.3 percent annualized decline seen in the final three 
months of 2008. The same rationale would hold for sales of U.S. exports, which 
have been crimped as economic troubles in other countries force foreign buyers 
to be cautious.

Many analysts predict the economy will shrink even less in the current 
April-June period -- at a pace of 1 to 2.5 percent. Tax cuts and increased 
government spending on big public works projects included in President Barack 
Obama's $787 billion should help bolster economic activity. Analysts hope the 
economy will actually start to grow again in the final quarter of this year.

However, the recent outbreak of the swine flu, which started out in Mexico and 
has spread to the United States and elsewhere, poses a new potential danger. If 
the flu stifles trade and forces consumers to cut back further, those negative 
forces would worsen the recession.

Moving to contain the threat, the White House asked Congress for $1.5 billion 
to fight a swine flu outbreak. President Barack Obama sent a letter to 
lawmakers on Tuesday, asking them for a supplemental spending plan to build 
drug stockpiles and monitor future cases.

Before the flu outbreak, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the 
recession could end this year if the government succeeds in stabilizing the 
shaky financial system and getting banks to lend again.

To combat the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, the Fed has slashed a key 
bank lending rate to a record low near zero and rolled out a string of radical 
programs to spur lending. The Fed at the end of its two-day meeting Wednesday 
is expected to keep its key rate near zero.

Besides the $787 billion stimulus, the administration is counting on its 
efforts to rescue banks and curb home foreclosures to turn the economy around.

Bernanke and his colleagues have cited "tentative signs" of the recession 
easing in some consumer spending, home building and other reports. Finance 
officials from the U.S. and other top economic powers meeting here last week 
also saw some hopeful signs for the global economy.

Fresh glimmers of hope emerged in the U.S. Tuesday. The Conference Board's 
Consumer Confidence Index rose far more than expected in April, jumping more 
than 12 points to 39.2, the highest level since November. And a housing index 
showed that home prices dropped sharply in February, but for the first time in 
25 months the decline was not a record.

Even if the recession were to end this year, the economy will remain feeble and 
unemployment will keep climbing.

The jobless rate is now at a quarter-century high of 8.5 percent and is 
expected to hit 10 percent by the end of this year. It will probably rise a bit 
higher in early 2010 before starting to slowly drift downward. Still, the Fed 
predicts unemployment will stay elevated into 2011, and economists don't think 
it will return to normal -- around a 5 percent jobless rate -- until 2013.

More layoffs were announced this week. General Motors Corp. laid out a massive 
restructuring plan that includes cutting 21,000 U.S. factory jobs by next year. 
Bearings and specialty steels maker Timken Co. indicated it will cut about 
4,000 more jobs by the end of this year after earlier suggesting about 3,000 
jobs already had been targeted.

Elsewhere, construction equipment maker Bobcat Co. told nearly 250 workers at 
its two North Dakota plants they will be laid off indefinitely, executive 
search firm Heidrick & Struggles International Inc. announced plans to cut more 
jobs and reduce bonuses and salaries, and Lockheed Martin Corp. said it's 
cutting 225 jobs at a plant in upstate New York.

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