*Yes, more and more. Bener nggak Mbah ?*

2009/5/4 fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>

> Suggest Mbah apa...?
> BUY more...?
> Uda mo jalan neh Mbah.
> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:08 PM, jsx_consultant <
> jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id> wrote:
>> `Doomsday Scenario'
>> PT Bumi Resources, Asia's biggest exporter of power-station coal, gained
>> 6.6 percent to 1,620 rupiah after saying first- quarter profit rose 21
>> percent.
>> "The doomsday scenario is diminishing by the day," said Tim Schroeders,
>> who helps manage $1 billion at Pengana Capital Ltd. "The data has become
>> more mixed, and day-by-day people are becoming more relaxed about the
>> outlook. But it's still too early to say we've reached a clearly defined
>> turning point."

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