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-----Original Message-----
From: "Sanjaya" <>

Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 08:38:22 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] FW: Citigroup Investment Research - Bumi Resources; Sell: 
Unexciting 1Q09 Earnings

Analisa Citi utk BUMI TP. Rp.580….. any comment?


Komoditas sudah mulai naik panggung, kok BUMI dipasang target serendah itu? Mau 
nampung barang murah kali….

Bumi Resources (BUMI.JK)

Sell: Unexciting 1Q09 Earnings

v Reiterate Sell — We reiterate our Sell (3S) rating with target price of 
Rp580. At

current PE of 10.1x 2009E (30% premium to peers), the stock is unattractive

in our view given unconvincing 1Q09 earnings (while we expect 2Q-4Q

earnings to trend down on lower coal prices), and higher balance sheet risk.

v 1Q09 earnings: production & sales disappointed — Bumi’s 1Q09 operating

profit rose 76% y-y and accounted for 27% of our full-year. In our view, the

1Q09 performance was unexciting with production and sales falling (by ~10 yy),

although this was partly offset by the drop in cash cost (-10% y-y) and

higher ASP (+30% y-y).

v Expect earnings to trend down in 2Q09 onwards — Bumi says that it now has

4mt of coal in inventory. The management guides 2009 ASP to be in mid-

US$60s/t, reflecting the lower regional coal contract price (vs. our forecast of

US$60/t). Thus, we expect Bumi’s earnings to trend down in the coming

quarters. At present, the company has contracted 80% of its volume.

v Balance sheet — Despite US$267mn of EBITDA in 1Q09, net debt position saw

only a slight decline to US$1.18bn from US$1.3bn in December ’08 (taking

into account the US$300mn ST investments). This partly reflected a big jump

in 1Q09 capex to US$119mn.

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