Saya terima Saturday , May 9, 2009 jam 01.30 PM pak Ferry...hahahahaha

--- On Sat, 5/9/09, Ferry Wachjudi <> wrote:

From: Ferry Wachjudi <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Fw: FOCUS (08-May-2009) BNBR: For those who miss the rally
Date: Saturday, May 9, 2009, 1:30 PM



bagaimana kalau  lihat yg dikolom  "owner 
ship value". Biar tidur bisa lebih nyenyak nich...he..he. .he
Thanks & Rgds,
Ferry W.
http://budidaya- jamur-tiram. blogspot. com/

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com 
  Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 5:17 AM
  Subject: [ob] Re: Fw: FOCUS (08-May-2009) 
  BNBR: For those who miss the rally

  Baca pdf researh Mandiri dibawah ini:

- BUMI fair price 1815, hari 
  ini 1960. Masih cocok dibanding yg
kasih cuman 500... hehehe...
  fair price 250, hari ini 690. Ada yg punya research
pembanding untuk UNSP 
- BTEL fair price 68, hari ini 107.
- ENRG fair price 180, hari ini 
- ELTY fair price 250, hari ini 210
- BNBR fair price 106 based on 
  fair price anak perusahan,
fair price 129 based on market price anak 
  perusahaan hari ini.

Cuman ELTY dan BNBR yang belum mencapai Fair 

Kalo EL mau BNBR akhir tahun menjadi 400, maka saham
  perusahaan harus naik = 400/129 = 3,1 kali.

Jadi akhir tahun:
  harus menjadi = 3,1 x 1960 = 6076
- UNSP = 3,1 X 690 = 2139

Target BNBR EL sangat berat sekali kecuali minyak balik 
  100 dollar.

Ada yg percaya minyak balik ke 100 pada akhir tahun 

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, 
  indra affandi <indras...@. ..> wrote:
> For those who 
  miss the rally
> BNBR’s listed
> subsidiaries, which 
  contribute 84.5% to BNBR value, have experienced average
> 142.9% stock 
  price rally for the last 1 month while BNBR stock price only
> increased 
  by 66.0%. Debt restructuring amounting to Rp4.26tn relaxed
> solvability 
  pressure by lengthening debt maturity date. Beside that, SPIJ sale,
  resulted in US$55.5mn additional cash, strengthened the company’s 
> position. The stock is undervalued with current market price 
  putting BNBR as if
> it o nly had BUMI and ELTY, neglecting the 
  remaining listed and non-listed
> subsidiaries. Using SOTP method, we 
  deem BNBR fair price of Rp129/share based
> on market price and 
  Rp106/share based on our estimated fair price on listed
  subsidiaries’ values.
> Lower solvability risk. The 
> entered into debt restructuring agreement that provides some 
  relaxation after
> high solvability tension resulting from its Rp4.26tn 
  obligation to Northstar
> consortium which originally scheduled to 
  mature this year. Basically, this debt
> restructuring agreed on (1) 
  lengthening debt maturity (Rp310bn on 2009, and
> Rp3.95tn on 2012), and 
  (2) charging interest expense (15.0%-19.0% ) that will be
> deferred 
  and paid as a bullet payment along with principal maturity.
  Stronger cash position. In late April
> 2009, the company sold 24.5% 
  ownership in SPIJ, steel pipe manufacture
> subsidiary, raising 
  US$55.5mn cash. We view it positively because (1) SPIJ has
> been less 
  profitable relative to BNBR’s listed subsidiaries, and (2) the
  proceeds ensure the company’s solvability to meet its Rp279.0bn tranche 
> debt which l matures on Sept 2009.
> Buy BNBR, get 
> and ENRG for free! A check on BNBR value composition 
> that at the current price of Rp83/share, BNBR value is 
  approximately equal to
> its ownership only in BUMI and ELTY. Therefore, 
  rather than collecting all of
> BNBR’s subsidiaries stocks 
  individually, it would be more profitable to
> acquire them collectively 
  by buying BNBR shares. Moreover, investors would get
> not only its 
  listed subsidiaries, but also its non-listed infrastructure
  subsidiaries. These non-listed subsidiaries have already won several
  infrastructure projects which are expected to start in the next couple 
> years, once the economy recovers.
> Valuation. We 
> BNBR’s fair price using SOTP method. We apply a book-value 
  multiple of
> 1.0x to value the non-listed subsidiaries. For listed 
  subsidiaries, we use
> market prices and Mandiri Sekuritas’ fair price 
  estimate separately
> (except for ENRG that uses consensus fair price 
  estimate because it is outside
> our coverage). Market price-based SOTP 
  results in BNBR fair price of
> Rp129/share while fair price-based SOTP 
  results in BNBR fair price of
> Rp106/share. 
> What are 
  the risks?Main risks in
> investing on BNBR stock are changes in 
  ownership on its subsidiaries and
> commodity price fluctuation that 
  heavily impacted BUMI, UNSP and ENRG
> performance. 
> Yohan Setio
> +6221
> 5296 9548
  yohan.setio@ ...
> Plaza
> Mandiri 28th floor
> +62 21 527 5711
> Phone:
> +62 21 526 3445
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  identified addressee only. This message may contain confidential, 
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  No waiver of
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