Dear Ob'ers,

The Indonesian stock market is very high risk but very high return. Thanks GOD 
I'm still survive in this market and I'm so happy that He bless me all the 
time. Because I have been blessed, I would like to bless all of you.

I've seen the posts here that there are so many young traders which have the 
same experience like I did 3 years ago. You know what? I've always been 
lost. Since then I studied fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Btw, I 
also study Embah's bandarmology lesson :)

For traders I would recomend to all of you to read the book "EMOTION FREE 
TRADING - Larry Lavin" many times. Read it and apply it in your day to day 
trading. By reading that book, my skill is improved very much. I also read many 
books about fundamental analysis because in order to invest you have to know 
what company you are investing in. Price moves based on their profit they can 
make right?

After you know what company you want to invest then you need to combine the 
EMOTION FREE TRADING with the Technical Analysis. Patient is the key success 
factor in investing. You have to wait the moment where the stock is at discount 
price or you really need to have a plan to take the profit.

I hope all of you can improve your trading skills first before really jumping 
into the market.

God Bless.


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