Indikatornya pake apa pak ? Klo cuma harga naek, takutnya hanya Bull Trap
aja. Thanks

2009/5/17 <>
>  Kalau mau invest sebaiknya tunggu komoditi stop koreksinya dan mulai
> naik.
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> ------------------------------
> *From*: Multikartu Network
> *Date*: Sun, 17 May 2009 07:38:36 +0700
> *To*: <>
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Message from Elaine
>  Jadi klo mo invest, tunggu IHSG di 1600 pak ?
> 2009/5/17 <>
>>  Mengulas email Elaine, sebenarnya ppl tidak greedy tetapi objective
>> karena komoditi naik dengan cepat. Sekarang komoditi ada koreksi jadi wajar
>> kalau saham juga ada koreksi.
>> Mungkin ini terjadi karena penggerak komoditi timingnya kecepatan sebelum
>> uang uang bossnya masuk ke Indo. Jadi biarkan ada koreksi dulu sampai uang
>> yg dimaksud Elaine masuk semua ke Indo. Setelah itu barulah naik tinggi.
>> Saya kira ini bisa dijadikan salah satu pertimbangan investasi oleh OB
>> member.
>> Salam,
>> EWI
>> Sent from my BlackBerry®
>> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
>> ------------------------------
>> *From*: "jsx_consultant"
>> *Date*: Sat, 16 May 2009 10:13:01 -0000
>> *To*: <>
>> *Subject*: [ob] Message from Elaine
>>  Enbah dapet email dari Elaine yg isinya sbb:
>> Hello dear,
>> Just wanna share tou you that our roadshow is one big success. We made
>> some agreement with institutional investors from US, Middle East, Japan and
>> China to invest in Indonesia as its economy has been proven to be less
>> affected from the global crisis and even have stronger GDP and domestic
>> market. As you can see, many foreign analysts have been focusing more on
>> Indonesia, while the rest have been making some upgrades in particular
>> industry, mainly commodity and energy sector.
>> We agree that the economy is shifting to the eastern part of the
>> hemisphere (Asia). That's the plan. However I expect to see a minor decline
>> perhaps until June (my target was 1600 but ppl got greedy and it overshot to
>> like 1900 right? lolz).
>> We already sent instructions to our Jakarta and Singapore based dealers to
>> make some 'space' for this fresh fund, and considering the size of it we
>> expect that it may take some time to fill in. This is NOT hot money, this
>> one is real, so just sit back, relax, enjoy the ride. .
>> Elaine

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