quote "they would say Indonesia's economy is improving...hehehehehe...."
  and The President is smiling!
  Now what the president may think guys?

Frederick Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            welll...i just wanna remind you that foreign funds portfolio on 
jakarta bourse is only 30% of the total caps of around $120 billion....
  so, let's dream the worst case..if they sold out the 30% (which is VERY 
impossible indeed) the main index COULD fall as much as 534 points or to 
1246....this level is even better than the closing level of 2005 of 
1162...which means that the jakarta bourse could grow withoutTHEM... the 
problem is that there is a CYCLICALl period when the hedge funds should return 
to their TRUSTY (in U.S.) every January 15.... The number, howvere, is less 
than $2 billion... If Indonesia's investment weigting is 0.4%...so, you can 
calculate yourself how much hedge funds left to be withdrawn...BUT, the most 
interested thing is that whenever they roll out the hedge fund and return to 
Indonesia for program buying...what would analysts say..? they would say 
Indonesia's economy is improving...hehehehehe....
  disclaimer on...

Handoyo Gozali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    any commend, Uncle Schubert ?
   Dana asing di bursa Asia diduga hengkang ke AS       JAKARTA: Pemodal asing 
mengurangi dananya di bursa saham Asia Pasifik dan diduga mengalihkan 
portofolionya ke bursa AS dan Eropa. Akibatnya, dana asing yang parkir di 
sebagian bursa kawasan Asia berkurang drastis pada dua hari terakhir 
perdagangan.   Sentimen negatif itu dipicu oleh lontaran rencana pembatasan 
modal di Thailand. 
  Data Bloomberg menunjukkan dana asing yang parkir di Bursa Efek Jakarta 
Jakarta (BEJ) berkurang US$29 juta dalam sehari perdagangan kemarin, turun 
53,9% dibandingkan periode sama tahun lalu. 
  Kondisi serupa juga terjadi di bursa Korea Selatan, Thailand, dan Taiwan yang 
nilai investasi asingnya turun masing-masing US$247,5 juta (-386,2%), US$50 
juta (-76,4%), dan US$36,3 juta (-104,4%). 
  Analis PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas (AAA Securities) Bagus Hananto 
menilai pemodal global kemungkinan masih menyimpan sentimen negatif terhadap 
pasar Asia setelah ada lontaran kebijakan pembatasan modal Thailand. 
  Akibatnya, penjualan yang lebih besar dibandingkan pembelian (net selling) 
oleh pemodal asing menghantam bursa yang diikuti profit taking oleh investor 
  Kemarin, investor asing membukukan net selling Rp262 miliar. Indeks harga 
saham gabungan (IHSG) di BEJ langsung terbanting 32,5 poin atau turun 1,79% ke 
posisi 1.780,88. 
  "Koreksi indeks karena profit taking kemarin masih sehat, mengingat indeks 
naik terlalu tinggi sejak Juni 2005 yang naik 48,7% dari 1.234 ke 1.843," 
tuturnya kemarin. 
  Penurunan indeks, lanjut dia, dipicu oleh sentimen global terkait prospek 
perekonomian Amerika, yang diikuti investor domestik untuk membukukan gain. 
  Profit taking kemarin menimpa Bursa Efek Jakarta dan bursa Hong Kong sehingga 
indeks harga saham keduanya menurun drastis di tengah peningkatan indeks saham 
bursa lainnya. 
  Bagus memperkirakan pada perdagangan hari ini, investor akan melakukan 
pembelian pascakoreksi (buy on weakness) sehingga membuka potensi pembalikan 
arah indeks (rebound). Indeks akan bergerak di kisaran 1.770 hingga 1.815. 
  Menurut dia, price to earning ratio (P/E) BEJ masih menjanjikan hingga akhir 
tahun nanti yang ditopang fundamental makroekonomi. 
  Faktor P/E BEJ yang diperkirakan tinggi tak serta-merta membuat investor 
asing hengkang. 
  Oleh Arif Gunawan S. 
Bisnis Indonesia 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Frederick Schubert 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 4:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] rounding number 1700

  the fall of the main index today was mostly due to misunderstanding about 
what is happening in Thailand. The Thai government limits foreign ownership to 
50% in telecommunication and (agricultural) companies that are vital and 
related with its nation's security. Indonesia has so far applied this policy 
....and foreign funds have so far can abide by this without 
complaining..(hehe). so..? 
  based on charting, it remains within the so-called trend in trend...the pull 
back may cause a rounding of 100 points of losses..so, any fall below 1760, can 
still be termed as correction. but below 1,600 is a panic selling which is more 
unlikely as based on the fund flow manegement, at that level of index, funds as 
big as American CALPERs would have already lost 30% of its equity 
portfolio...would they be just sitting and singing for the losses..? i don't 
think so...so, tomorrow will be the judgement day...if the main index manages 
to rebound...then...there is nothing to worry....
  hope the above helps...

boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      wie Sie sind, Sir?
die lange keine Zeit sehen.

any comment mr.schubert ?
is it time to collect ?

Frederick Schubert wrote:   hehehehe...how about 900...?

Hotma Sirait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   next stop will be 1700 before it's 
goes down deep as mr. ian say i quess (all disclaimer is on)

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