--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Andre Andre <andre...@...> wrote:
> One of the BOZZ in the world probably is "Rothschild family"...some people 
> say they own part of  certain countries central bank...bener ga mbah?

Banyak orang kaya yg punya network luas tapi belum tentu dia
masuk didalam Internal circle BOZZ pasar modal.

Kalo embah jadi Bozz, embah akan kongsian ama direktur direktur
Broker, Big Fund dan institusi secara informal. Lalu embah
akan nyimpan orang, piara orang atau berusaha memasukan 
orang keposisi penting di semua FORMAL market institution.

Jadi praktis embah punya access terhadap semua informasi 
dan Transaksi Bursa penting secara cepat. Jadi misalnya kalo ada 
asing masuk, embah langsung tahu dan embah langsung beli 
duluan. Sebelum berita penting dipublish kemedia, embah udah tahu
duluan. Gitu bayangan embah...

> GBU all
> ________________________________
> From: jsx_consultant <jsx-consult...@...>
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 5:50:50 PM
> Subject: [ob] Re: .....U R THE BOZZ .........  !!!!!
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "Jacob Oen" <oenjacob@ .> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry Mbah, klu  boleh tanya "who is the BOZZ" and what's his ultimate 
> > motive behind his actions?
> > 
> BOZZ is an informal PROFIT MOTIVE group or organisation which 
> have many member or connected to members sitting in the formal 
> market organisation. So they have ACCESS to important market information. 
> Info in the financial market is THE ABSOLUTE power
> and when combined with HUGE MONEY, they become THE DOMINAN group
> that control the market.

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