kaya nya sentimen bagi2 deviden dan laporan kinerja emiten yang melebihi 
ekspektasi hampir semua nya sudah keluar...then what else ??

kalau koreksi harus nya emang ada biar pondasi nya kuat...:D ( Udah cuci gudang 
nih gw,tapi ni pasar kg turun2 ..hiks..hiks ),akhir nya malah masuk lagi dah di 
atas 2050..mo kemana lagi kagak tau juga...

iseng2 browsing nemu beberapa artikel bagus juga nih...sapa tau ada yang butuh 
reasoning juga seperti gw





btw klo gw sih sampai sekarang masih bingung dan ragu apa mau di 2172 kan dulu 
baru dihantem kebawah trs jadi bikin base di 1965-2000

atau mo di buat pull back kan dulu deket2 ini ( iseng liat chart weekly 
keliatan IHSG mulai keliatan klo ni indeks mulai main diatas ma 100 minggu nya 
soal nya ),kalau cerita pulback dulu yang kejadian berarti 1759 harus nya mulai 
nyicil masuk dunks...( coba cek chart mingguan nya !! )

asli bingung juga sih .... 

nah klo dari rgemonitor gw sih lagi demen nge highlightin ini sih...gak tau nih 
ada guna nya apa kagak..hehe :p

Indonesian Exports: Commodity Prices Will Determine Trade Dynamics Ahead

a.. Exports fell 22.6% y/y to US$ 8.46 billion in April 2009 after falling 
28.9%y/y in March and 32.9% y/y in February 2009. On month-on-Month basis, 
exports decreased by 1.81% m/m in April after increasing by 20.6% in March 
2009. Double-digit export contraction since November 2008 has been led by 
correction in oil and commodity prices (palm oil, rubber) and lower demand in 
U.S. and Asian EMs
a.. Outlook for Exports: The pace of export contraction has been easing since 
early 2009 and even on a month-to-month basis. Strengthening commodity prices 
might be a plus for exports in the coming months. But exports will continue to 
contract through most of 2009 in spite of these upsides. Central bank says no 
to Rupiah devaluation to support exports. Central Bank estimates a 25-28% fall 
in exports in 2009

a.. In 2009, government expects that exports will shrink between 5% to 7% while 
imports will decline between 7% to 9.6%. Central bank estimates that exports 
will decline by 15.4% and 14.5% while imports will contract between 16.8% to 
16.5% in 2009    

a.. Imports fell in April 2009 by 39.42%y/y to US$ 25.48billion after plunging 
36.5% y/y in March and 33.4% in February 2009. On month-on-month basis, import 
decreased by 2.58% m/m after showing positive growth of 9.9% in March 2009. 
Non-oil and gas imports from January to April 2009 dropped by 32.86% y/y led by 
decline of consumer goods (-34.27%) and capital goods (-8.68%). Oil and gas 
imports from January to April 2009 plummeted by 56.23% y/y due to declining 
imports of raw/complementary materials of 44.42%. Raw materials and capital 
goods account for 93% of Indonesia's total import bill. Slowing exports and 
industrial activity are reducing import demand but strengthening oil prices are 
a risk for imports

a.. Trade surplus was at US$ 2.1billion in April 2009 after touching surplus of 
US$ 3.27billion in March. Between January to April 2009, trade surplus reached 
to US$ 6billion. This has been led by  sharper decline of imports than that of 
exports. Contraction in import demand (for industries for re-export and slowing 
consumer demand) will contain risks to trade balance but strengthening oil 
prices are a risk. Trade openness is around 44% of GDP

a.. External Balance: In Q1 2009, Current account turned to surplus of US$ 1.8 
billion after showing deficit US$ 0.7 billion in Q4 2008 due to increasing 
surplus in non-oil and gas trade balance and declined deficit in the oil trade 
balance (slowing economic growth and ongoing replacement of oil-based fuel with 
gas and coal decreased oil imports) and services account (dropping imports 
reduced spending on shipment services). But govt. expects current account might 
post a deficit of 0.5% of GDP in 2009 due to deteriorating exports by 28% in 
2009. current account deficit would provide negative impacts on BOP and put 
more pressure on currency and forex reserves   

a.. The decline in exports moderated in April compared to March 2009 due to 
better than expected non-oil exports. Plunge in total imports may be a  
reflection of sluggish domestic demand conditions. In 2009, Indonesia is 
expected to record small current account surplus given sharper fall of imports 
via-a-via exports (Citigroup) 
a.. Exports will continue to contract sharply in the rest of 2009 owing to 
lower external demand and weaker prices for most of the commodities. This will 
lead firms in the export sector to cut back on investment and lay off workers. 
However, lower global oil prices, together with a contraction in domestic 
investment, will suppress the import bill. SO the trade surplus will remain 
stable in 2009 (EIU)

a.. Trade balance in 2009 would be in surplus due to faster decline of imports 
than exports.

dari orang yang sempet ciut nyali and ilang biji  ama kelakuan IHSG...

"tapi ampe sekarang juga masih sih..huehehe"

good luck : )

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Aria Bela Nusa 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 7:56 AM
  Subject: RE: [ob] IHSG bakal ke 1600/1630??? Hmmmm.... What do u think??

  Otherwise - taking it in your mind it's only mild correction happenings - 
nothing else in regard to this on-going situation


  From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com] 
On Behalf Of juniortrader...@yahoo.com
  Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 8:39 PM
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [ob] IHSG bakal ke 1600/1630??? Hmmmm.... What do u think??

  Menurut saya, mgk bakal lama bgt ke 1600, karena BD tau, kl kita semua 
menunggu Bearish dan menguji kesabaran kita. Coba anda bayangkan, apakah anda 
tidak "gatal" untuk membeli apabila IHSG bullish?? Saya rasa, Iya.
  Coba bayangkan saja. 3 bulan lalu portfolio saya (mis 10 jt), saat ini sudah 
20 jt lebih (tanpa transaksi).. Sangat mudah balik modal khan. 
  Kl turun 1600 lg n then bullish again.. Bayangkan berapa nilai portfolio 
  Apakah BD sebodoh itu membiarkan kita mencari uang semudah itu ?? I don't 
think so. 
  BD is a smart people (bayangkan saja seperti BD bola).. BD pasti punya 
strategi lain.. (Jgn terlalu berharap banyak kejadian beberapa bln ini terjadi 
lagi). Easy money?? No..!
  That's my opinion.. Kl ada masukan, silahkan saja :)

  Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung 


  From: "FromBuitenzorg" 
  Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 13:48:30 -0000
  To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
  Subject: Re: [ob] MASIH PERCAYA IHSG bakal ke 1600/1630 ...... ??

  Koreksi sangat PASTI Boss, kalo indeks 2100, koreksi bisa antara 1850-2000-an,
  ...kalo indeks 2200, maka koreksi bisa antara 1900-2100-an...

  Ane yakin si El udah upgrade targetnya... seperti yg dia sering sampaikan. 
  kalo ngeyel bertahan tetep 1600/1630 udah pasti gak valid lagi... yang paling
  valid perubahan itu sendiri yg tetep abadi,ekonomi global juga tidak 
  Kita buktikan sampe akhir Juni sesuai target 1600-an yg percaya :)

  Tapi ane gak mau ganti nama jadi I don't believe in ... hehehe..

  Keep this posting...


  Win <edwin...@...> wrote:
  > koreksi pasti pak, pertanyaannya kapan.
  > 2009/6/5 FromBuitenzorg <frombuitenz...@...>
  > >
  > >
  > > IHSG UDAH 2000-an +++, .. jadi SEBAIKNYA jangan pernah berharap balik ke
  > > 1600-an. Si EL udah berkali kali via OB gw minta update targetnya :)
  > >
  > > TAPI kalo nanti KOREKSI, realistiknya ntar bisa saja koreksi ke
  > > 1800-1950-an. OK doa kita bersamaNYA. Sibuk amat deh...
  > >
  > > Rgrds
  > >
  > > 
  > >


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