Billionaire Soros says worst of global crisis is “behind us”

June 23, 2009 by 

Billionaire George Soros says the worst of the global financial crisis is over. 
The 78-year-old American has been a big commentator on the developments leading 
up to the global financial crisis, already back in November 2007, when he 
issued a warning about the credit crunch as well as in January 2008.

The billionaire toned down his doom and gloom in May when he said “The economic 
freefall has been stopped, the collapse of the financial system averted. 
National economic stimulus programmes are starting to take effect… The downward 
dynamic is easing.”

Soros told Reuters Sunday that “This is not like previous crises but marks the 
end of an era. The system to date had been based on the false assumption that 
markets can independently regain their equilibrium and that the system is 
self-correcting,” he explained.

The optimistic declaration comes as the World Bank warns that the outlook for 
the global economy remains “unusually uncertain”.


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