ada saat naik, ada saat turun... jangan lupa pake seatbelt... safe



[] On Behalf Of Tom DS
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ob] Watchout for traders and investors...


US GDP, US Core Personal Consumption Expenditure, Japan CPI dan UK
Housing Price. 

4 data itu yang akan menjadi fokus investor hari ini.


Banyaknya data ekonomi global yg keluar minggu  ini membuat equity
market sangat volatile.




On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Peter Alimin <
<> > wrote:

Asia pagi2 lanjutin rally..
Dow smalam minus tipis ternyata gara2 boeing minus 5,8%..makanya s&p msh
bs ijo..

Hari ini kalender ekonomi ada agenda apa pak tom? Thx..

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: ben hur < <> >

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:01:16
To: <
<> >
Subject: Re: [ob] Watchout for traders and investors...

Pak Tom DS, apa bisa dishare mengenai pandangan anda bagaimana arah Bumi
setelah RUPS tgl 26 besok ?


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Tom DS <tom.ds.stock@
< <> > <> > wrote:

Watchout for traders and investors...
- Germany Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) will be released
today, market consensus is 40.9 (last month 39.6).
- Germany Purchasing Managers Index services will be released today,
market consensus is 46.0 (last month 45.2).
- US Existing Home Sales will be released today, market consensus is
4.8M (last month 4.68M).
- US Housing Price Index will be released today, market consensus is
-0.3% (last month -1.1%).
- US Durable Goods Orders will be released tomorrow, market consensus is
- US Fed interest rate will be released tomorrow, market consensus is to
maintain 0.25%.
- US Core Personal Consumption Expenditure and GDP will be released 25
- BUMI extraordinary AGM will be held 26 June.
If the Fed try to appreciate US$ by increasing current 0.25% rate,
commodity sector will definitely plunge once again.
Special for BUMI investor, do not sell below 1600 today...
For new trader, if you are not as best as Pak Tasrul, or JT, you better
take no action today. For long-term investor, this could be one good
time to buy.


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