Betul...asal ada slentingan dikit di Korut, bisa dipakai utk nurunin
penumpang [?] tapi memang ngeri lah, ini serius. Kalo perang, boro2 mikir
saham, mikirin keselamatan diri aja. Ada2 aja, flu babi lah, Korut lah...

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:57 PM, coderman <> wrote:

> bisa jadi makanan empuk bandar ni
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Rei <> wrote:
>> Betul, ini sangat serius. WW III? Hope not!
>> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:34 PM, calvin lie <>wrote:
>>> Mbah, Elaine ada kasih pesan buat mbah tuh.
>>> ELAINE :
>>> "My prediction is based on global and macro economy and the tension in
>>> N.Korea is something I can't afford. Yes, the global economy is recovering,
>>> Asian Tigers (china, India, Indonesia) surges. Everyone knows that but still
>>> this is a risky bussiness. Please follow the progress in NK. I suggest we
>>> focus on this one. If ever one of them (either Iran, Japs, NK, SK, CHN or
>>> US) declares war then SELL AT ONCE (please fwd to Embah)
>>> Remember , China and India also have nuke bombs. Dammit. "


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