As long it did not crash then its ok , coz it will go uptrend again.
1 thing to worried is crash oftenly come at a fast pace which time we cannot

yes i need correction too but after i sell in good price prhaps :e

On 7/4/09, Elaine Sui <> wrote:
> *Feel free to discuss, if you think my post didn't make any sense to you.
> -200pts correction is considered small if you compare to the recent +1000pts
> rally.[?] Come on, don't you wanna see it? [?]*
> *
> *
> *Elaine**
> *
> 2009/7/4 coderman <>
>> actually i prefer we can play in higher area before that happend
>> if 200 points is your scale of 'little' then we must pay antisipate and
>> add another 'untolerance' number like 100% discount more maybe
>> OMg that will make  reborn of a dam giant little bear. i hope Bozz will
>> make fair balance to all of us
>> On 7/4/09, Elaine Sui <> wrote:
>>> *Just a little correction I think, thought you want to have discount.
>>> Don't worry la. Just adapt with what the market wants. Be flexible.*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> *Elaine**
>>> *
>>> 2009/7/4 ANDIK MUSTIKA <>
>>>>  Oh Elaine tega-tega nya kamu mau membunuh "Bull Baby" yang baru lahir..
>>>> kalau saya sih nggak tega..saya suka membiarkan ia tumbuh menjadi
>>>> remaja, kemudian dewasa, kemudian tua dan meninggal dengan siklus alami...
>>>> salam hangat dan jabat erat,
>>>> Andik
>>>> --- On *Fri, 7/3/09, Elaine Sui <>* wrote:
>>>> From: Elaine Sui <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [ob] Tentang Prediksi billy
>>>> To:
>>>> Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 10:30 PM
>>>>  *Well, at the end I'll beat the crap out of everyone.. lolz.. ** No,
>>>> really I want a bear. Wanna see my bear? **. You'll see a bear in this
>>>> form:*
>>>>    1. *Hyperdeflation.** Everything will be (and have been) sold at a
>>>>    discount, clothes, phones, cars, electronics, sex,stocks, debts. Note 
>>>> that
>>>>    this has slight impact to energy such as coal, oil or palm oil.*
>>>>    2. *Unfavored election result.** Ah, no comment on this one.*
>>>>    3. *Mounting unemployment (US & Eurozone).** No jobs means no tax,
>>>>    no health care, no insurance, no spending. Refer to #1. They will start 
>>>> to
>>>>    seek job in Asia and speak our language. *
>>>>    4. *North Korea missile 'incident'.** It will be very VERY
>>>>    provocative to the west. *
>>>> *Long term (2012) is still bullish, IDX still holds as the best
>>>> performing yet volatile market. Short term (3Q09), you'll feel that you're
>>>> gonna throw up on you computer screen. Buy on weakness. I dunno what's 
>>>> gonna
>>>> happen in the future, but better be prepared of anything, as any smart 
>>>> money
>>>> would be. *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> Of course, as always you have the right *not* to follow my advice. It's
>>>> your money, not mine, not my business.
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *Elaine*
>>>> 2009/7/4 Melisa Lais <melisa.lais@ 
>>>> >
>>>>> Saya tidak pernah memberikan janji akurasi prediksi jadi juga saya
>>>>> tidak bisa dong di uji..Satu - satunya di OB yang memberikan KLAIM
>>>>> akurasi prediksi 70% hanya billy.
>>>>> *but Okay..*
>>>>>  jika embah mau menantang, *after billy, try me...*
>>>>> *Tapi "KLAIM" saya hanya 40% saja..
>>>>> Karena buat saya 40% sudah cukup, 60% biarlah MM yang mengerjakan.
>>>>> *
>>>>> 2009/7/4 alan Feihung <dfa...@yahoo. 
>>>>> com<http://mc/compose?>
>>>>> >
>>>>>> SIiiip lah...
>>>>>> Next 10 days after Billy is Melisa Lais's turn to predict. Pake
>>>>>> feeling, TA, FA, boleh saja... Uji Melissanya atau uji metodenya yang
>>>>>> penting hasilnya...
>>>>>> Bagi-bagi pengalaman dikit gicu...
>>>>>> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
>>>>>> com<http://mc/compose?>,
>>>>>> Melisa Lais <melisa.lais@ ...> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Jadi apa atau siapa yang diuji disini?
>>>>>> > *Billy* atau *WTA*?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Karena merupakan dua hal yang berbeda..
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 2009/7/4 jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ ...>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Embah rasanya pernah membaca Billy menulis Perubahan Fundamental
>>>>>> > > mengalahkan Technical. Disini Fundamental ada yg berubah yaitu
>>>>>> > > harga minyak yg turun.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Jadi Billy tentunya tidak menggunakan WTA technical disini
>>>>>> MENGKALE, Billy
>>>>>> > > sebagai trader yg SUDAH BERPENGALAMAN tahu kapan
>>>>>> > > pake WTA dan kapan tidak.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Hal hal seperti ini yg sebenarnya DIACUHKAN oleh Pure
>>>>>> Technicalist,
>>>>>> > > embah sebenarnya engga percaya adanya PURE TECHNICALIST kalo
>>>>>> > > 90% PURE Technicalist sih percaya...
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
>>>>>> > > com<http://mc/compose?><obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.
>>>>>> com <>>,
>>>>>> > > Melisa Lais <melisa.lais@> wrote:
>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>> > > > Sebenarnya tidak apa - apa *Billy* prediksi yang gampang -
>>>>>> gampang, sebab
>>>>>> > > > dalam market, ngapain cari susah?namun saya juga kecewa, dimana
>>>>>> unsur
>>>>>> > > *WTA *nya
>>>>>> > > > billy?
>>>>>> > > > Kenapa justru melihat *DOW*, yang sebenarnya tidak ada dalam
>>>>>> unsur *WTA*.
>>>>>> > > > Kan *billy *yang menunjukan tabel daftar *WTA* sebelumnya dan di
>>>>>> dalamnya
>>>>>> > > > tidak ada *DOW*..
>>>>>> > > > Jadi sebenarnya saat ini, *WTA *belum terbukti bahkan untuk hari
>>>>>> pertama
>>>>>> > > > karena masih ada unsur *DOW*,
>>>>>> > > > sedangkan katanya* WTA* hanya melihat angka - angka penutupan.
>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>> > > > Mohon dikoreksi.
>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>> > > > 2009/7/4 ji3soe <ji3soe@>
>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > > Bukan maksud saya untuk underestimate billy. Namun saya hanya
>>>>>> melihat
>>>>>> > > dari
>>>>>> > > > > kacamata yang objective.
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > > Sebenarnya tidak ada yang istimewa dengan prediksinya billy,
>>>>>> karena
>>>>>> > > billy
>>>>>> > > > > posting pagi hari jam 9.17. Malam sebelumnya kita tahu bahwa
>>>>>> minyak
>>>>>> > > turun
>>>>>> > > > > signifikan 4% atau 2.5 dollar, dow juga turun hampir 3 % dan
>>>>>> saham2
>>>>>> > > > > komoditas di Amerika juga turun dalam. Pagi hari pun kita tahu
>>>>>> bursa
>>>>>> > > asia
>>>>>> > > > > saat itu masih bleeding juga.
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > > Dalam prediksinya , hampir semua saham yang disebut billy
>>>>>> turun adalah
>>>>>> > > > > saham2 komoditas: adro, ptba, indf, inco. Jadi tidak heran
>>>>>> kalau saham
>>>>>> > > komo
>>>>>> > > > > di BEI juga akan terseret turun.
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > > Mengenai TLKM , tlkm telah breakout resist yang sangat kuat
>>>>>> dengan
>>>>>> > > volume
>>>>>> > > > > yang signifikan. Kalau tidak salah sebelumnya billy predik
>>>>>> tlkm akan
>>>>>> > > turun.
>>>>>> > > > > Namun pagi hari direvisi menjadi Up. Mungkin gara2 Di NYSE
>>>>>> TLKM masih
>>>>>> > > > > ditutup hijau. Melihat di NYSE tlkm close hijau Sangat Besar
>>>>>> > > kemungkinan
>>>>>> > > > > TLKM akan melanjutkan rallynya.
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > > >
>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> >






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