*The party is still on, but it's not mine any more. It's your party, now. I
enjoyed the last 1000pts rally, and I did ask you guys to join, hopefully
you could make the best from it. But as in any party, it has to end. And as
any normal investor, I expect a discount before I can make any re-entry, a
big discount. I can wait. As I said many times before, I'm not a trader, so
making a trading decision based on my opinion is not appropriate.**
*My decision is final, and I'm not regretting it. Hopefully Artomoro can
carry out your dreams and continue the bull journey. You have to support
him. I will be happy for you guys.*
*Hints: Don't let IDX fall below 1800 or it may trigger waves of short sells
(both in currency and stocks), and believe me, these short sellers are evil.
You've seen how these guys work last year.*
*I've sent you the possible five bad events (the unemployment, deflation,
etc), they may or may not happen, but when the media is starting to blow
these things up. Don't be afraid, be prepared.*
*Take care. [?]*

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Vernichtung <gambler....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Elaine has LEFT the PARTY......... be afraid....be very afraid.....
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 10:37 AM, kelvin Chang 
> <kelvin.chan...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>> yiii huuu miss el, where r U ???
>> lg usil.com


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