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Padahal DJI fut - 0.33 %
Nasdaq fut -0.58 %
S&P 500 fut -0.46 %

Kalo Microssoft profitnya turun wajar, karena krismon banyak yang beralih ke
open source.
Kedepan, musuh utama microsoft adalah open source ini..



On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 8:23 AM, dunia ini indah <pusatdu...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> U.S. Stock Futures Fall on Microsoft, American Express, Amazon
> Published: Friday, 24 Jul 2009 - Bloomberg
> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aPlycL0a_BH4
> July 24 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stock futures fell, indicating the Standard &
> Poor’s 500 Index will slump after climbing to an eight-month high, as
> Microsoft Corp., American Express Co. and Amazon.com Inc. posted
> disappointing quarterly results.
> Microsoft retreated 6.9 percent on lower profit and sales than analysts
> estimated. American Express slipped 5 percent after saying earnings
> decreased as the recession made it harder for cardholders to keep up with
> payments. Amazon.com lost 6.6 percent following price cuts that caused the
> online retailer’s revenue to miss projections.
> S&P 500 futures expiring in September declined 0.4 percent to 965.20 at 9
> a.m. in Tokyo. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures dropped 29 points, or
> 0.3 percent, to 8,962. U.S. stocks surged yesterday, sending the Dow above
> 9,000 for the first time since January, as EBay Inc., Ford Motor Co. and
> AT&T Inc. beat estimates and home resales increased more than forecast.
> “At these levels in the market, there’s not a lot of room for error,” said
> Mark Freeman, who helps manage $7.5 billion at Westwood Management Corp. in
> Dallas. “Anything that deviates brings about a reevaluation by the market.”
> Yesterday, the S&P 500 climbed to the highest level since President Barack
> Obama was elected on Nov. 4, advancing 2.3 percent to 976.29. The Dow gained
> 188.03 points, or 2.1 percent, to 9,069.29, the highest since one session
> after Election Day. The Nasdaq Composite Index surged 2.5 percent to
> 1,973.60 for a 12th straight gain, its longest winning streak since 1992.
> Record Pace
> Microsoft, American Express and Amazon.com’s worse-than- estimated results
> followed two weeks of earnings reports that exceeded projections. Among S&P
> 500 companies that have posted second-quarter results, 74.1 percent beat the
> average analyst forecast, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That
> would be the highest full-quarter figure on record, Bloomberg data going
> back to 1993 show. Three-hundred three S&P 500 companies have yet to report
> for the period.
> Microsoft fell 6.9 percent to $23.80 in late trading in New York. The
> biggest software maker reported a 29 percent drop in fiscal fourth-quarter
> earnings and posted sales that missed analysts’ estimates, a sign that
> demand for Windows and Office software is still declining. Per-share profit
> excluding some items was 36 cents, missing the average forecast by 2.4
> percent.
> American Express retreated 5 percent to $27.99. The credit- card issuer
> reported second-quarter sales of $6.09 billion, or 1.4 percent less than
> analysts projected. Net income from continuing operations decreased 48
> percent to $342 million.
> Free Shipping
> Amazon.com lost 6.6 percent to $87.66. The world’s largest Internet
> retailer has sought to ward off competitors by cutting prices and adding
> products, such as low-cost laptops and outdoor equipment. Its low prices and
> free-shipping offers have started to eat into profit, said Aaron Kessler, an
> analyst at Kaufman Brothers LP. Sales of $4.65 billion were 1 percent less
> than analysts estimated on average.
> EBay rallied 11 percent yesterday as its earnings signaled consumers’
> appetite for online commerce is starting to recover. Ford jumped 9.4 percent
> after topping analyst estimates by paring expenses and adding market share.
> AT&T added 2.6 percent as new customers of Apple Inc.’s iPhone bolstered
> profit. D.R. Horton Inc. led all 13 stocks in an index of homebuilders
> higher as sales of existing homes increased for a third straight month.
> Before yesterday, the Dow last exceeded 9,000 on Jan. 6.
> “With the round number of 9,000 not being there for a significant amount of
> time, it’s encouraging,” Michael Koskuba, who helps oversee $44 billion at
> Victory Capital Management Inc. in New York, said of yesterday’s rally.
> “It’s really a result of companies reporting better-than-expected news.
> That’s encouraging given that we are in a difficult economic environment"

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