Ternyata si EL bawelnya di hari Minggu yah?
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-----Original Message-----
From: "JT" <jsxtra...@yahoo.com>

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 13:17:47 
To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <jsxtra...@yahoogroups.com>

Thanks for your nice comment, EL.., (tumben ngga ngata'in gua., hehe)., 


Yes, banyak orang yg seperti itu, switch to more laggard tools.., well, as
long as they just switch or adjust the period 'sebelumnya', that should be
ok, yg ngga bener adalah kalau melakukan adjustment later on saat the signal
pop up. hehe


My point is, being bearish or bullish HARUS ada ukurannya yg JELAS.., jangan
baru satu dua hari merah sdh bearish, besok ijo bullish lagi, abis jualan
bearish, abis belanja bullish lagi and so on.. hahaha., I am not talking
about you ya, tapi kalau anda perhatikan banyak yg seperti itu di sini., so
we MUST KNOW the threshold, know the map, mine is very simple, No Magic,
when the MACD DC on weekly, saya ngga akan ngotot.., I'll declare bearish
and do the trade accordingly.


Have a nice weekend EL.., oh ya, about Tasrul.., you tanya sendiri
doooongg., hehehe






From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Elaine Sui
Sent: 26 Juli 2009 12:53
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG MAP - BEARISH or BULLISH


Good one! though in my market behavior analysis I found that many ppl
usually expand their timeframe (or switch to simpler, more laggard
indicators) to show excuses (like in mid 2008). He he.. sorry but okay, good
point my friend. I do love your post, dear. 

Anyway, ask your partner Tasrul, 1. is it generally accepted to change the
period/time series scale for a linear regression in a middle of an equation?
as far as I know to measure/calculate the TIMING of market direction the
time series (or you may call Y variant) is part of the independent variable,

2. is it possible to do such equation when only secondary data is available
(while we know that the secondary (historical) data is highly dependant on
intermarket analysis, currency and obviously economic figures?

But don't bother, I'm not interested anyway, too much guessing. In my
personal experience, when I explain math to my investors, they think that
I'm making excuses (lolz). They don't care about all this stuff, they only
want money and more money. 


On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:46 AM, JT <jsxtra...@yahoo.com> wrote:


Wew, rame juga ya perdebatan bullish, bearish, soft or hard landing, invest
or trade, wave sekian, wave sekian.. etc.., etc... seru juga.. hehe..,
Here's my view BASE ON TA, yes just simple TA, bukan Rumors, bukan Isu,
apalagi Gossip.. 


Oh ya, in sekalian meresponse statement my dear friend EL yg mengatakan :
Some tech guys are pretending to be calm both in OB and on my facebook
wall.., (tech yg mana nih EL.? I am perfectly CALM)


Here's what I see., NO MAGIC.., NO sophisticated tools., just simple good
old and trusted tools., I will GO bearish when MACD at WEEKLY chart dead
cross., terlambat?? Ngga juga, karena keputusan beli dan jual tetap mengacu
pada TA masing2 saham, dan timingnya/eksekusi tetap menggunakan daily
chart..,  after all I am a trader just like most of us (termasuk EL).., so
no worry to be late.


this simple chart saya pakai sebagai INDIKATOR apakah IHSG Bearish Or
Bullish, no rumors, no isu, apalagi dengerin gossip., you tell me lah where
we are now, and you tell me if there is any sign of reversal yet? Hehehe


Have a nice weekend every one. J






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