how about:
E-China: The bicycle kingdom is going electric
In China, the bicycle kingdom, e-bikes beat traffic and take the sweat out of 
By Elaine Kurtenbach, AP Business Writer 
On Sunday July 26, 2009, 1:01 am EDT
SHANGHAI (AP) -- It's a simple pleasure, but Xu Beilu savors it daily: gliding 
past snarled traffic on her motorized bicycle, relaxed and sweat-free alongside 
the pedal-pushing masses. China, the world's bicycle kingdom -- one for every 
three inhabitants -- is going electric.

Workers weary of crammed public transport or pedaling long distances to jobs 
are upgrading to battery-powered bikes and scooters. Even some who can afford 
cars are ditching them for electric two-wheelers to avoid traffic jams and 
expensive gasoline.

The trend is catching on in the U.S. and elsewhere.

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, dario kurniawan <> wrote:

From: dario kurniawan <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Oil rises above $68 on economic optimism
Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 1:57 AM



hiks baru juga nikmatin bensin shell under 5500-5900 masa mau naik lagi sih 
mesin mobil jadi enak bgt sejak pake sheel 2 taun terakhir..pas shell diatas 
ceban make mobil irit2 bgt 

Dario Amran

--- Pada Sab, 25/7/09, Rei <> menulis:

Dari: Rei <>
Judul: Re: [ob] Oil rises above $68 on economic optimism
Tanggal: Sabtu, 25 Juli, 2009, 10:03 AM


                  Kayak mainan kan? Waktu dari 50an ke 70an juga dgn alasan 
sama. Trus turun ke 58-59 lagi dgn alasan prospek ekonomi global blm membaik, 
skrg naik lagi sdh $10 dgn alasan ekonomi prospectful. ..kena aja dibohongin 
terus ama bandar hahaha 

3 thn lalu (lupa) jg sama dari 60 ke 80, turun lagi ke 60 naik ke 100...kocok2 
ala bandar minyak. Mantap!

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Bumi T <t_b...@yahoo.> wrote:


http://www.reuters. com/article/ hotStocksNews/ idUSTRE55L17H200 90724

        Lebih bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik. 
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