TP Rp. 4.000 di discount Rp. 500 = target real.nya jangan2 Rp.3.500 :p



From: []
On Behalf Of rusli gustanto
Sent: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 15:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] ML: BUY BUMI, TP 4000



kayaknya belum lama ini TP DS 500 :P

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:16 PM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) <>


Ini kata neng Daisy Suryo loh

Q: Cumi-cumi mempunyai delapan kaki atau delapan tangan? 


BUMI: Upgraded to Buy PO Rp4,000 
Daisy Suryo upgraded BUMI to Buy as she believes the twin woes of REPO and
MTN issuance are now behind the company, and we can now focus on BUMI's core
business which should benefit from stronger thermal coal px into 4Q. We
remain confident of our US$80/t coal px forecast for JFY10-11.  Our concern
with BUMI are still present given the Bakrie group's aggressive bizz
strategy and potentially huge development capex but we feel it is likely
that BUMI will bring in strategic investors to share the load. Concern on
corp. governance will still linger in my view, but for now the potential for
forced sales, asset pledges, asset injections etc becomes less likely. So
perhaps this is also a good time to remind that BUMI is a good coal sector
proxy given its: 1) dominance as the world's 2nd-largest seaborne coal
exporter, 2) largest coal stock and most liquid stock in Indo, 3) superior
logistics & infrastructure, 4) robust growth profile combined w/ long
reserve life.  BUMI now trades on 9.5x '10 PE and at 18% disc to our NPV.
This implies coal px of US$72/t, or 8% shy of current spot px, but Daisy
points out that during up-cycles and recovery periods, valuation tend to
overshoot their mean by 1-2 std deviations. She sets her PO at Rp4,000
implying 17x '10 PE, which is still a 30% disc to the previous upcycle. 

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