yup...  aku jg bingung bacanya...

2009/8/4 jsx_consultant <jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id>

> Prediksi pak Stock.Breeder tentang BNBR dengan target 114 KEMARIN
> pasti banyak yg engga baca karena:
> - Hal yang paling penting yaitu Target BNBR 114 ditulis
>  dibagian belakang.
> - Tulisannya agak panjang dan dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris
>  sehingga yg bahasa Inggrisnya pas-pasan, bacanya engga
>  sampe baris terakhir yaitu Target BNBR 114
> Embah sih menyarankan cara penulisan sbb:
> - Tulisan yg  paling penting disimpan diatas dan yg kurang penting
>  disebelah bawah dan yg paling tidak penting disimpan
>  dipaling akhir.
> - Di Jaman sekarang, orang sangat sibuk, langganan koran
>  beberapa biji dan yg dilihat cuman judulnya, kalo
>  judulnya menarik BARU DIBACA. Kalo dibaca beberapa
>  baris menarik, dia baca terus kebawah.
> - Jadi Judul posting SANGAT PENTING, usahakan judul posting
>  menarik seperti:
> SEJATI: BNBR akan ke 114 based on TA, FA and BA.
> Kalo anda tulis judul begini, dijamin semua orang akan
> baca tulisan anda sampe abis dan berulang ulang meskipun
> dalam bahasa Inggris, karena tulisan ini MENAWARKAN profit.
> Sorry kalo terkesan ngajarin, tapi ini penting sekali,
> embah dapet teori penulisan diatas pada waktu ikut
> seminar REPORT WRITING dan umumnya dipakai oleh wartawan.
> Dalam Business writing, laporan tidak ditulis secara
> SEQUENTIAL menurut kejadian atau waktu, TAPI ditulis
> dari yg PALING PENTING (SUMMARY) dan baru detailnya.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Another day with a net buy from the big boys.. AI, FZ & YU as the top 3
> soldiers collect total almost 150 Bio.. Even if we're netting it with the
> top 3 net seller then we still can have around postive 70 Bio net -->
> Accumulation or Distribution???.. hihihihihihihih ;p..
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Recommendation for 5th of August, 2009..
> >
> > There's possibility tomorrow BNBR will start with gap up.. SELL part of
> your stocks at 123.. Why sell???.. My chart keep reminding me about the risk
> of price that soar and left away its upper BB.. Then why only half???.. Rest
> of the half will be used as a buffer if the Bozz play "rude" and try to hit
> 129.. I'll sell all at this point.. Worry to be left behind???.. Hehehehe I
> don't ;p.. Don't be greedy lah today already gain 14% right??? =).. Anyway
> we still have 3 days ago GAP at 95 as an excuse wakakakakkakaka ;p..
> >
> > Anyway I'm just expecting a sexier chart to continue the rally.. So if
> the Bozz nice enough to give us a red doji tomorrow then give him a million
> thanks because it will gives us a healthier air to breathe.. 109 will be a
> good spot to relax while waiting for the Bozz to arrive;p.. Our short term
> target will be closed the first empty land at 144 :D..
> >
> >
> > Have a nice trade ^^
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Forwarded Message ----
> > From: Stock Breeder <stock.bree...@...>
> > To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2009 12:47:17 AM
> > Subject: BNBR 888
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Mbah,
> >
> > Please allow me to share my ideas.. 888 + Recommendation --> 8
> Fundamental, 8 Technical and 8 Bandarmology view =)
> >
> >
> > Fundamentally
> > 1.       It’s owned n controlled by the famous “B† family that have
> huge influence in our stock market
> >
> > 2.       It has superb descendants such as BUMI,  ELTY, UNSP, DEWA, ENRG
> & BTEL
> > 3.       Oil is rising (don’t tell me u don’t know the
> > impact on others commodity if oil is rising ^^)
> > 4.       U can have hundreds percent of capital gain
> > compared to its highest ever
> > 5.       Q2 financial statement hasn’t been published yet
> > (waiting for some surprises here..)
> > 6.       The bad news about the debt is still around..
> > (whatttttt buy when there’s bad news???  YUP
> > hihihihihi;p)
> > 7.       Indonesia’s projection is very strong.. Really
> > hope we can sneak in the BRIC category!
> > 8.       World indicators shown by US-China agreement,
> > DOW’s heart n soul financial statements, Bottom fishing of housing
> price, manufacturing data, etc.
> >
> >
> > Technically
> > 1.       It has a lot of unclosed gap up in the sky (1st à  145, 2nd Ã
> 230, 3rd à 315, 4th à 620 & 5th à 670)
> > 2.       CS just break its triangle resistance n ready to
> > rally..
> > 3.       BB is getting wider n support the rally possibility..
> > But It’s in the outside area of BB (so big chance we can have some
> short term discount
> > or red candle)
> > 4.       MACD GC and it’s in the uptrend mode (good trend
> > from lagging indicator)
> > 5.       Stochastic n Williams OB (also means big
> > possibility we may have some short term discount)
> > 6.       Parabolic SAR has shown a bullish signal (good
> > trend from lagging indicator)
> > 7.       Good break up volume (above MA 5 & 20)
> > 8.       Will follow it’s descendants to trade above it’s
> > EMA 200 (let’s use this as our main bullish target)
> >
> > Bandarmology
> > 1.       Since last week I noticed that AI, YU, KZ booked
> > net buy more than 200 Bio
> > 2.       Even if we netting it with the top 3 seller then
> > we still collecting around positive 122 Bio
> > 3.       Remember Mbah’s chart that shows the Bozz switching
> > strategy for BUMI vs. BNBR??? :D
> > 4.       Buy back maybe taken at some point
> > 5.       The Bozz will not let BNBR’s price laggard
> > forever.. Especially if it’s descendants keep soaring..
> > 6.       There are several volume spike due to big order
> > in BG (including BNBR itself)
> > 7.       The Bozz need to distribute his catching result
> > so the mark up scenario will be taken unless the accumulation mode is not
> > enough..
> > 8.       US, China & Regional bullish momentum.. When
> > it will be over???.. Who knows just enjoy the show ^^
> >
> > Recommendation for 4th of August, 2009
> > ·         If BNBR rise first after the opening (most
> > likely to happen) then Take Profit first SELL at 107 and wait.. .. ..
> > o   If the buying power continuous n if there’s
> > indication to break 111 with good volume(more than 500 Bio) then re-enter
> > and keep your stock for tomorrow if there’s no threat (big selling
> volume)
> > ·         If BNBR go down at the opening or after you Take
> > Profit then be happy because you’ve been given a discount by the lovely
> Bozz..
> > Prepare your glove to grab the discount around 97
> > ·         Target Price : 114
> > ·         Risk : Short your stock if slump below bid 96
> > with volume.. Recover around 93..
> >
> >
> > Have a nice trade ^^
> >
> ------------------------------------
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