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-----Original Message-----
From: "billy_budiman92" <>

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 08:33:25 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: To Mbah : Kenapa ITMG turun terus?

lha iye,, emang betul ke 22 rb, mungkin tadi koma I gak keliatan kali ya, 
maksud I di 25,400 itu resist baru skrg, wakakkakaaa


--- In, calon trader hebat <trader.he...@...> 
> Bill, Downgrade-nya bukan ke 22 rb ?
> kalo ga salah sih 25400 level cut loss  ????
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *Credit Suisse - Indo Tambangraya Megah - Pricing in the acquisition?*
> ● ITMG’s share prices have risen and outperformed its peers with
> the recent news that the company is bidding for a 51% stake in
> the non-listed Berau Coal.
> ● Assets of Berau Coal should be a good complement to Banpu’s
> given their location, size and quality. However, in our view, it is too
> early to start pricing the deal in ITMG’s share price. The bidding is
> reported to be competitive.
> ● Next data point is 2Q09’s results announcement on 11 August.
> We expect net profit to fall from US$102 mn to US$52 mn as
> mark-to-market swap gain in 1Q09 turned to loss in 2Q09 as spot
> prices rise. We expect core net profit to fall QoQ from US$78 mn
> to US$61 mn due to lower prices. ITMG should be on track to
> reach our profit forecast for FY09.
> ● We see the acquisition as a potential catalyst but we prefer to
> price in more conservatively. *Short-term upside may be limited as*
> *the market may be pricing in a successful acquisition too early*.
> Maintain OUTPERFORM with target price at Rp22,000.._,_.
> 2009/8/10 billy_budiman92 <billybudima...@...>
> >
> >
> > ITMG masih kena pengaruh downgrade TP, 25,400 akan jadi resist kuat di
> > ITMG, chart belum oversold banget, masih ada kemungkinan ke 23,700 untuk
> > pullback
> >
> >
> > --- In <>,
> > Pingin Untung <pinginuntung@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Mbah, kenapa ITMG susah sekali naiknya? Malah turun terus sementara yang
> > lainnya pada naik. Stock ITMG saya nyangkut di level 26ribua-an. Apakah ITMG
> > boleh hajar kanan pada kondisi ini Mbah? Pada level berapa?
> > >
> > > Banyak terima kasih untuk saran Embah.
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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