Sorry for my late response Wong Cilik...Here you are!
Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching: JUDGEMENT MONTH
Sunday, August 16, 2009 3:43 AM


"SyIFA Fund" <>Add sender to Contacts 


Great RUN is always followed by Correction (if do not want to mention FALL): 
- September is the worst month empirically, BUT different conditions may apply 
either  (maybe this year's September can be the BLACK SWAN)
- Market has been UP more than 50%. (there can be a limited UP)
- Some executives in BIG companies has realized their profits through insider 
selling (nothing that acknowledged to be worsen than THIS one)
- Keeping interest rates low v.s increasing interest rates; always a trade off 
works there (Central Bank focus on what purpose?)
- Production cost is rising while no boost up in price, unemployment continue 
to hit new record, deleveraging consumers, etc. 
So, September will be the JUDGEMENT MONTH for all of us, not the August one!

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Wong Cilik <> wrote:

From: Wong Cilik <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 11:21 AM


What do you mean with judgment month? Is it the very risky month, a downturn 
month, or just a junction month to see whether economy goes up or down? Or just 
that a junction month for Oil alone, not the economy as a whole?

Thanks for your insight.....

2009/8/22 SyIFA Fund <syifa.f...@yahoo. com>


Why should be oil?
Before and at the time of CRISIS, OIL had been blamed to be the CRISIS 
catalyst. But NOW the OIL position has been changed by speculators, where OIL 
price is monitoring to be the reason for RECOVERY. So hike up in OIL price can 
be looked as Recovery is starting to begin. 
Remember about my comment about OIL long long time ago. It won't reach below 
US$35 and my estimation that they will stay around US$75 - US$80 at the end of 
the year (conservative) . Too many factors to be played with in OIL analysis. 
And remember that August won't be the JUDGEMENT month, September will do!
Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Rei <highwaystar91@> wrote:

From: Rei <highwaystar91@>
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?

To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 8:29 AM


Tapi kalo harga minyak naik/turun banyak overnight hanya krn berita ekonomi yg 
encouraging/ discouraging, bukankah itu hanya spekulasi Mbah?...

2009/8/23 jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id>


Jika harga minyak jatuh dibawah cost untuk suatu sumur, logikanya
sumur itu ditutup. Dan sebaliknya jika harga minyak naik lagi
diatas costnya maka suatu sumur yg sudah di abandon akan dioperasionalkan lagi.

Ketika harga minyak jatuh dibawah 40 dollar otomatis jumlah
rig berkurang. Sebaliknya jika harga minyak mulai tinggi
lagi seperti sekarang maka jumlah rig yg dibutuhkan bertambah

Pertambahan jumlah rig tentunya suatu investasi karena rig itu
mahal biayanya tapi ini belum menjawab apakah harga minyak
saat ini Demand Driven atau cuman permainan harga di bursa saja.

Otoritas pun sebenarnya sudah tahu bahwa harga minyak itu 
merupakah ajang spekulasi dan permainan, ini yg membuat
otoritas membuat aturan untuk meredam spekulasi harga
minyak yg akan segera berlaku.

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, TimurLaut <i4...@...> wrote:
> Total rig counts (Baker Hughes) di US turun drastis dari 1553 pada jan 2009 
> menjadi 895 rigs pada june 2009.
> Sejak june 2009, total rig counts di US naik dan terakhir 21 Aug 2009 naik 17 
> rigs dari 14 Aug 2009.
> Terlampir adalah US rig counts sejak tahun 2000. Silahkan interpretasi 
> sendiri apakah kenaikan harga minyak ini merupakan fundamental driven atau 
> speculative driven. Kalau menurut saya, jumlah rig counts adalah representasi 
> dari tingkat kepercayaan perusahaan minyak atas naik harga minyak, jika 
> mereka percaya bahwa naiknya harga minyak adalah spekulatif, then rig counts 
> tidak akan naik. 
> Data lengkapnya bisa dilihat di;
> http://investor. shareholder. com/bhi/rig_ counts/rc_ index.cfm
> btw, skrg ini berhubung hurricane season di Gulf of Mexico, maka meningkatnya 
> harga minyak bisa saja merupakan spekulasi andai terjadi kerusakan fasilitas 
> akibat hurricane. 
> -TL
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ ...>
> To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 10:43:44 PM
> Subject: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?
> Embah sih bukan ahli harga minyak, jadi cuman bisa jadi PENGAMAT
> doang...
> Tapi ini dari sejarah:
> - Dulu minyak topnya sampai mencapai 145 atau 147, lupa euy...
> - Ketika minyak lagi bergerak dari 100 ke 145, para BD commodity
> cuci gudang pelan pelan, dan ketika udah sampai 145, harga
> minyak dibuat CRASH.
> Saat ini minyak 73,8, apakah ini FUNDAMENTAL DRIVEN atau
> SPECULATIVE DRIVEN seperti awal crash 2008, embah ENGGA TAHU,
> ada yg bisa bantu jawab ?.
> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "YUTA" <yuta.tiziano@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > Embah. 
> > 
> > Saya tidak ngerti TA, mungkin saja minyak akan naik sampai USD 77-78 
> > sebelum koreksi lagi. 
> > 
> > Tetapi dari segi fundamental, sepertinya harga sekarang overshoot. 
> > Alasannya:
> > - mesin2 pabrik belum full swing karena demand yg masih lemah dan lay off 
> > yg masih berlanjut
> > - efisiensi terus menerus akan menekan pemakaian operational cost (minyak)
> > - mobil hemat bahan bakar terus diluncurkan
> > - ratusan kapal masih unemployeed dan idle di beberapa ports besar
> > - BDI yang masih terus koreksi
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: "jsx_consultant" <jsx-consultant@ ...>
> > 
> > Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:08:07 
> > To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
> > Subject: [ob] Re: ASII in the position to trade?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Grafik minyaknya ada koreksi:
> > 
> > http://metalprices. com/PubCharts/ PublicCharts. aspx?metal= cl%20nymex& 
> > type\
> > =C&weight=LB& days=3&size= M&bg=&cs= 1&cid=0
> > <http://metalprices. com/PubCharts/ PublicCharts. aspx?metal= cl%20nymex& 
> > typ\
> > e=C&weight=LB& days=3&size= M&bg=&cs= 1&cid=0>
> >


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