Pak sorry untuk mengajukan pertanyaan junior (karena masi junior.. Hehe) dengan 
data tersebut boleh minta saran, Bumi layaknya di koleksi di harga berapa dan 
real valuenya berapa?
Saham keluarga B memikli real value(nilai aslinya) ± political value. Nah kalau 
di lepas political valuenya, real valunya saat ini berapa ya? Boleh minta 
Terima kasih. Richard

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bagus Putra Perdana <>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 08:40:41 
To: <>
Cc: Nicholas Alvin<>
Subject: Re: [ob] BUMI EPS $ 5.97

BUMI Bisa Extract 1,2 MILYAR TON sebelum PKP2B kadaluarsa aja udah keren..
(kalo bisa)..

gak semua Cadangan apalagi Sumber Daya itu Economically Viable, Jangankan
Sumber Daya (Resources), 2 P (Proven & Probable) Reserves aja belum tentu
semuanya bisa masuk POD (Plan Of Development) tanpa merubah struktur marjin
operasi saat-ini. Keputusan Masuk Ke Tunjaman yang lebih bawah, ke tingkat
kalori yang lebih rendah, atau ke pit baru yg lokasinya relatif remote bisa
merubah struktur marjin karena butuh investasi yang nilainya amat
signifikan, bahkan jika uang untuk investasi cukup pun gak serta merta bisa
ujug-ujug extrasi batu bara seenak2nya. land clearing dan perencanaan
tambang kan harus pake izin sana-sini selain ada kajian internalnya juga.
trus pesen alat berat en kontraktor pengerjaan juga gak bisa sim-salabim
alakadabra  hari ini pengen nambah extract bisa bulan depan efektif
direalisasi. lagian andai produksi meningkat, manajemen juga harus
memperkirakan tim marketingnya bisa gak masarin tu kelebihan batubara di
harga yang bagus. kalo harga lagi gak bagus, buyer lagi nawar rendah-rendah
ya jangankan lebarin margin buat nutup biaya Capex aja bisa gak viable.

iyah bener potensi ke ningkatin Extraksi batu bara itu ada banget, makanya
yg kita semua concern dan pertanyakan tentu kenapa BUMI gak invest en
tunjukkin mereka memang menggenjot produksi dan ekstraksi cadangan dan
sumber daya melimpahnya.

It isnt that easy to increase and folding production when u were at the
production level of above 50 Mt P/A. Infrastructure and hence capital
investment is needed aswell as competency and capabilities of available

to implied all of their resources could be monetized and then present
valuing it is utterly ridiculous.

60 Mt to 80 Mt Production is presummably Priced-In by Investor at current
BUMI Price. big problem will aroused if they cant deliver those level of
production by the time they promised it. or they do increase production but
at a rather slow pace I.e 2009 55 Mt 2010 65 Mt 2011 80 Mt 2012 95 Mt?

do u know how much changes 5 Mt P/A misses would implied on the terminal -
or even life of mine valuation of BUMI?.

It is very Important, this management seriousness level of increase
production and sales.

we were all buying the "future & distant assumptions" here today with them.

good thing is that regardless of the production volume, Coal Price Level of
2012 onward would certainly be above $ 100. that is an almost certain thing.

bad thing is that its fairly well known that the reputation of BUMI
management in terms of using shareholder money into the right and productive
segment of their business is not the best in the sector (who knows, they
might even use 2009 FCF to buy another acquisition target instead of install
new port or production fascilities)

if u were an investor. dont discount a too distant future and promises of
management to today prices unless they really shows that it is highly
visible. its really dangerous i tell u.

2009/9/11 nicholas alvin <>

>   BUMI memiliki kandungan batubara sebanyak lebih dari 10 milyar MT.
> Berandai andai:
> kalau harga jual $ 70/ mt, dijual semuanya, pendapatannya $ 700 milyar
> Dengan OPM 37.63 % maka operating profitnya $ 263.41 milyar.
> Atau laba operasi persahamnya $ 13.57 atau Rp 135.700,-
> Dengan NPM 16.54 %, makan net profitnya $ 115.78 milyar
> Laba bersih persaham = $ 5.97 atau Rp 59.700,-
> Kalau saja BG punya 60 % saham BUMI maka kekayaan BG = $ 69 milyar
> lebih kaya dari Warren Buffett atau Bill Gates.
> Apalagi kalau harga batubara naik ke $ 200/Mt, kita2 juga pada kecipratan
> rejeki.
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Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all
knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
- Richard Feynman

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