Yes, they're probably the biggest Gold miner, aren't they?
And what about "FREEPORT"? Is it belongs to USA?

From: boyz <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:48:36 PM
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)


I dont know that US has the most gold in the world. Do you have the data source?
I think, since US leave Bretton Woods System, they no longer piled it up.
I mean not piled it on national reserves, but i think they just mining it, produces and sell.
But i dunno if they are biggest gold miner / producer.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:

Well I did tell you guys that I'm switching to triple A bonds, though I missed on the gold price. China is desperately need diversification and they can't buy too much gold without pushing up the price too far.

Interestingly enough, the US has the MOST gold in the world. It's been a tricky business out there.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:
Umm, sorry my bad, I missed your posts. Well it's obvious that weak dollar should push any commodities higher. Simple math, and everyone already knows that. But FOR ME I'm more focused on the demand of the commodities themself (inventories, etc), not just the price. So at this time I prefer to invest in the debt market, I feel it'd be safer there.

You know initially my target for IDX this year was 'only' 2100 but then Artomoro9 came and he broke my target.. lolz.. amazing. You don't have to follow me though, cutey. What I did was common among investment planners.

What if IDX rallies to new all time high? Well, I'll be happy for you traders. I do.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:04 PM, boyz <m457...@yahoo.> wrote:

sekarang mah udah gini elaine baru deh ngomong forex...
dulu ditanyain US dollar index kaga jawab :P


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On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana <> wrote:

Err.., Do U Collecting the Back-End or the Mid-End of our FR Missy?

foreigners concentration pick of our sovereign on their portfolio curve do tell their strategies..

u can give me some clue of offshore perspectives to this lovely country..

mind tellin me?

our curve is a bit steepening too fast here.. u foreigners must be quite religiously bullish on our economy..

well just dont cash out too soon okay ^_^.. have mercy...u dont do carry trade rite?.. ha

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:

u serious, Joe? gee thanks.

Oh yeah anyway like I said before I only keep bonds at this time, you may not believe me but I made a sweet 2x% forex gain times some hundreds billions then you get the picture of my position, thanks to the fall of the USD. Please don't be angry with me. I just do what I have to do for my clients. When IDR is strong enough, I will sell them, I promise


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Joe Grunk <joe_gr...@yahoo. com> wrote:
yes, u'r good.

--- Pada Rab, 16/9/09, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> menulis:

Dari: Elaine Sui <elainesui83@>
Judul: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:09 AM

Damn, I'm good.


On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:
http://www.opensubs message/obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou html

Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000, 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, please wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

Try finding articles about 'cheap money' if you don't understand about what I'm talking about.


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