It's unanimous: The bear market is over, and a new bull market is back!
At least that's the conventional wisdom of the top 55 U.S. economists, who 
predict that the economy will grow in the fourth quarter through the first half 
of 2010. (All but one of them expect growth this quarter.)
Rewind to February-March of this year ...
... When those same economists reported that the economy was in "the worst 
recession since the Great Depression."
That's also precisely when stocks and commodities rallied.
Now, six months later, even the Fed chairman has declared the worst is 
over.What's changed?
In a word: psychology.
The natural flow of investor psychology has traced out a recognizable pattern. 
As optimism builds, so does the perception of a recovery. It's to be expected 
-- even predictable. After all, the simple truth is that investors, advisors 
and analysts alike herd. Positive price action -- in their minds -- begets 
other positive action. It's all-too similar to the optimism we observed in late 
2007, when various markets stood at or near their all-time highs.
But today not even the so-called fundamentals support the notion of a 
recovery:a. Large pockets of the U.S. real estate market, including metro 
Atlanta, are still racking up record monthly foreclosures.b. The global 
shipping industry has slowed to a crawl; thousands of ships around the world 
sit empty and idle.c. Bank credit and the M3 money supply have been contracting 
at rates comparable to the onset of the Great Depression.d. And believe it or 
not, reports are surfacing of lending institutions returning to their old 
tricks from two years ago.
It's time to debunk the recovery hype. Now the rally is waning. A downside 
reversal is imminent.





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