Standing applause....Mantab banget mom Fifi... very inspiring.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:35 AM, fifi young <> wrote:

> September 17...
> was my wonderful first year in OB.
> A year full of *excitement, knowledge, fun* etc.
> I would define that 12 months commuting in OB is my *
> True Happiness*.
> OB has tightly attached to my daily activities ever since...
> OB has changed my life, OB filled and showered my life with
> all the knowledge that I never had known before...
> I never known or understand what  CNBC is about,
> I don't know macro economy...etc. etc.
> Beyond my imagination... that I could laughed loudly
>  in front of my computer...all by myself...
> just because there's so many
> fun individuals appeared in OB...
> OB is really entertaining and brightened up my life,
> and yet, bright individuals in OB are so generous
>  to share their knowledge...
> *
> Thanks to the marvelous founder of OB...Mbah*
> *True Happiness may also comes in many different stages,
> it may differs...depends on time and condition... *
> I have been in the fashion world for over 2 decades,
> my daily research was fashion magazines, Fashion TV,
> attend the fashion shows or organizing a fashion show,
> go to Paris, Milan or New York to see designers products etc.
> On this stage... I would define my True Happiness
> is to make girls looks pretty on their "Big Day" and
> putting on my gorgeous gown
> would make me feel so contented.
> This is another definition of
> True Happiness...*Achievements...**
> *
> I am also fond of traveling... I could spent more than 60 days
> in a year for traveling.
> To see new awesome destination,meet new  interesting people/ethnics,
> eat authentic local cuisines...
> those exciting moments of exploring are
> True Happiness to me...*Contentment...*
> Some people would define being healthy is True Happiness.
> *BUT...,*
> being healthy with no money, I wouldn't consider it will be happy.
> And of course, to some can't buy happiness either.
> I wasn't born being "Wealthy 'n Healthy", I have fought against POOR WEALTH
> 'n HEALTH since childhood.
> This *tremendous force of commitment *helps me
> to achieve my goal...and within short period of time,
> I have overcame and attained True Happiness... *ATTAINMENT...
> *I didn't finish my high school, and I didn't have the opportunity
> to continue my study while I spent 4 years in the US...
> because financially I wasn't able to do so...
> but through hard works and tough willingness,
>  I've made myself up to some extent...
> *being recognized.*
> to me... this is another definition of
> True Happiness....*PERSISTENCE...*
> Finally...,
> my True definition for True Happiness is *being with my family.*
> Away from my children is a *"Torture"* for me.
> While together with my family is *truly, non comparable of
> Nonetheless,  *TRUE HAPPINESS * could only be granted
> for those who really believe in yourself for being* happy.*
> Today, September 24...
> Every September 24 is my True Happiness.
> Because I wasn't born other than this date...
> A True Happiness of *SELF CONTENTMENT...*
> Am I too much...? You bet...!  hahaha... [?][?][?]
> *Thank you all.
> Thanks for your awesome wishes,
> I wish you all the BEST too.
> [?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?][?]
> *





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