Hahaha kalo dipikir2 kita koq 'jahat' ya pak Peter... [?][?]

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Peter Alimin <milis...@live.com> wrote:

> Batubara..batubara..
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ruzli...@gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 12:35:49
> To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [ob] Iran Fires Short-Rang
>  e Missiles in 'Deterrent' Tests
> Minyak..Minyak..Minyak...
>  TEHERAN, KOMPAS.com-Iran akan melakukan uji tembak rudal yang menurut para
> analis keamanan mampu menghantam Israel dan pangkalan Amerika Serikat di
> kawasan Teluk.
>  Laporan radio Iran, Minggu (27/9), mengatakan rudal Shahab-3 dari darat ke
> darat itu akan diuji pada hari kedua manuver rudal oleh pasukan elite Garda
> Revolusi. Hari Sabtu, Iran juga menguji coba rudal jarak pendek Fateh-110
> dan Tondar-69.
>  Iran mengatakan Shahab-3, yang telah diuji beberapa kali, kini akan mampu
> menjelajah sekitar 2.000 kilometer.
>  Uji tembak rudal Shahab-3 itu merupakan bagian dari kesinambungan manuver
> rudal Iran, kata seorang komandan pasukan elite Garda Revolusi seperti yang
> dikutip AFP. "Besok kami akan menguji rudal Shahab jarak jauh," kata Hossein
> Salami, yang merujuk kepada rudal Shahab-3 itu.
>  Dia juga mengatakan, tanpa memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut, bahwa
> pasukan elite juga dijadwalkan menguji alat peluncur yang bisa menembakkan
> beberapa rudal, Minggu. Salami mengatakan pasukan elite juga direncanakan
> menguji ulang rudal Shahab 1 dan 2, yang berjarak sedang, Minggu malam.
>  ONO
>  Sumber : ANT,AP
>  B
>  "Powered By Salty Valley"
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: "YUTA" <yuta.tizi...@gmail.com>
>  Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 12:21:14
>  To: Obrolan Bandar<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
>  Subject: [ob] Iran Fires Short-Range Missiles in 'Deterrent' Tests
>  Baru pertama kali Bloomberg release berita ini. Apa nuke war sudah dekat?
>   Sept. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Iran fired short-range missiles as part of a
> military maneuver and said it will give a "crushing" answer to any armed
> aggression.
>   Iran "successfully tested a multimissile launching system," state-run
> Press TV reported. "A number of missiles including the homemade Fateh and
> Tondar" models were launched both simultaneously and consecutively, the
> report said.
>   The exercises may increase tension over the Persian Gulf country's
> nuclear program and come after Revolutionary Guards Corps. said yesterday it
> would conduct the war games to maintain the "deterrent capacity" of the
> armed forces.
>   The military plans to test medium-range missiles, such as the Shahab 2
> missile, later today as well as improved long-range Shahab ones tomorrow,
> General Hossein Salami, head of the air force, told satellite news channel
> Press TV.
>   "The message is that of security," Salami said. "We will respond to any
> military action in a crushing manner."
>   Today's exercise, called Prophet IV, will assess "recent technical
> developments and tactical progress" in surface-to- surface missiles, Salami
> said, according to a report on the Guards official website.
>   The maneuver is also aimed at "practicing management of long-term
> preventive and defensive operations," he said.
>   'Greedy Nations'
>   "The range of our missiles is in no way a threat for the neighboring
> countries," Salami said. "It is a message for certain greedy nations that
> seek to create fear, to show that we are able to give a swift and suitable
> answer to our enemies."
>   Iran two days ago confirmed the development of a second uranium
> enrichment facility in the country, a move condemned by the U.S., U.K. and
> France.
>   At a Sept. 25 news conference concluding the G-20 summit, U.S. President
> Barack Obama said that diplomacy was his preferred option though he didn't
> rule out military action. Top Israeli officials said last week they aren't
> taking any options off the table to stop Iran's nuclear progression.
>   Iranian officials are set to meet Oct. 1 in Geneva with representatives
> of the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany. The group
> seeks to determine whether Iran is willing to limit its nuclear activities,
> which several western nations claim is aimed at developing weapons.
>   Obama said yesterday he remains open to "a serious, meaningful dialogue"
> with Iran.
>   The country first must "cooperate fully" with international arms
> inspectors and "take actions to demonstrate its peaceful intentions," the
> president said in his weekly radio and Internet address.
>   To contact the reporter on this story: Ladane Nasseri in Beirut at
> lnass...@bloomberg.net .
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