Most of our perceptions are the result of recalling things in the past. So 
often when we perceive something we're merely perceiving the old seed in our 
store consciousness.

A perception is an act of cognition. If that act of cognition is wrong, it can 
create a lot of suffering and misunderstanding for the person who has it and 
the people around that person. That act has the mark, or nature,  of 

When mind consciousness is capable of touching the truth, that act of cognition 
is called wholesome, because it has the power to liberate, to destroy ignorance 
in oneself and in those around us.

Sent from my XL BlackBerry®. [Ennui is to have too much worldly life without 
much spiritual life.]                                                 

-----Original Message-----
From: boyz <>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 21:30:55 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [ob] OOT: Baik dan Buruk (1)

Ups... sekali lagi, it's all abour PERCEPTION.
Our reality is not all facts that we live in, but it is all perception that
we build in our brain.


2009/9/27 Jacob Oen <>

> Sang Guru tentu tidak asing dengan apa yang terjadi di Dunia ini.
> Suatu ketika dia diminta untuk menjelaskan pepatah kesukaannya: "Tidak ada
> baik atau buruk, melainkan pikiran kitalah yang membuatnya begitu".
> Inilah yang ia katakan:
> "Tidakkah kamu lihat bahwa apa yang dianggap sesak dalam kereta api
> dianggap meriah dalam diskotik?".
> Sent from my XL BlackBerry®. [Ennui is to have too much worldly life
> without much spiritual life.]
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