*No probs bro...*
*My internet connection was bad...*
*Nope.. Nobody wants to short BUMI at current position.*
*I'm not hoping for that of course (DH to short BUMI).. But if that
happened, we'll see more severe damage.*
*That's why I asked is she works with DH.*

On 10/8/09, boyz® <m457...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oops, sorry bad joke :P
> sekarang serius mode deh...
> Start to short BUMI? ga ketinggalan? kalo mo nge-short kemarin2 lah bareng
> mBah.
> Kalo baru mo start to short skrg risk-reward nya brp?
> ya terserah sih... hehehe...
> Salam,
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:44 PM, boyz® <m457...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> DH?
>> Dean Hearwicker?
>> Ngga bro, dia ngga ngeshort,
>> dia lagi sekolah lagi, cari kebetan anak mahasiswi, hehehe....
>> Salam,
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Tom DS <tom.ds.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> *EL, just curious..*
>>> *Are you work with DH?*
>>> **
>>> *Hmm.. If DH starts to short BUMI, that would be more dangerous than
>>> these 2 days.*
>>> **
>>> **
>>> *T.o.m*

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