Bracelet pendetexi emosi

                                                Thursday, 15 Oct 2009 | 5:52 AM 
CNBC Assistant Web Producer
just about to make that big trade, you're sure it's going to win big,
your heart is pumping and everything is saying "buy." But then the red
lights start flashing — from your bracelet.Scala PhotographyAnalysts say that 
many risky trades could be avoided if only traders were not letting their 
emotions get the better of them, so Royal Philips Electronics and ABN Amro have 
teamed up to find a solution. Their answer is a flashing bracelet and 
natty-looking bowl that detects emotion. The
"Rationalizer" consists of an "EmoBracelet" that measures the "arousal
component of the user’s emotion through a galvanic skin response
sensor," and an "EmoBowl." The
higher the trader's arousal level, the more intense the lights on the
bracelet and bowl become. When they get really worked up, the color
shifts all the way from a yellow to a deep, warning red. When
the red lights flash, it could be time to take a walk, or at least
think twice before making that trade, the companies said. Whether a big
flashing bracelet could add to the tension or not is yet to be seen,
however. Philips and ABN Amro started work on the system before the collapse of 
Lehman Brothers and is aiming it at "serious home investors.""Research
shows that home investors do not act purely rationally. Their behavior
is influenced by emotions, most notably fear and greed, which can
compromise their ability to take an objective, factual stance," the
companies said in a statement. Experts are divided on whether emotions play a 
good or bad role in trading. "It's
an interesting idea, but I don't think it's going to be very useful,"
Louis Gagnon, a professor of finance at Queen's University, told the
Financial Post. "Emotion is central to the marketplace," he added.




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