OK... besok pagi ga apa2 ane tunggu konfirmasi-nya :)

mmm... buat bekal perang jendral Arto besok pagi,
ane kasih analisa MFI-nya BUMI. ( MFI buatan Bill William juga, jend).

Menurut analisa MFI ane, kondisi BUMI terakhir ini disebut juga sebagai
(di MFI ada 4 Kondisi: Green, Fake, Fade & Squat)*

Penjelasan ttg FAKE :*
*With a Fake, we have a situation where the MFI is increasing, which means
the market is facilitating itself by moving price through time but is NOT
supported by increasing Volume from Outside the pit. (ngga disupport oleh

Therefore, the facilitation is less robust, as indicated by the decrease in
raw Volume.
for whatever reasons, the market is attracting less Volume than in the
previous period.
A fake sometimes indicates a pause in the market action before the market
takes off.
Unless this situation is followed shortly by increasing Volume,  the fake
has probably been manipulated by the locals in the pit. (locals yg dimaksud
disini adalah pelaku mekanisme pasar yg punya kepentingan pada saham/indeks
ttu, spt: floor traders, dealers, sekuritas ttu yg menjadi market maker or
sponsor ETF, dll)

The locals are in temporary control simply because no significant Volume of
Outside paper is coming into the pit. (locals take control karena ga ada big
The fake is a trademark of pit manipulation AND should be viewed with a High
degree of skepticism.
The locals have sensed that a move is imminent during the lull in the pit
This is the only time when the locals have enough power to run your stops.
They will, if possible, take the market in the opposite direction of the
anticipated move, in order to acquire inventory AND take the other side of
the anticipated paper coming into the pit.
They are building their inventory so they can Sell the next rally
OR Buy the next decline.*


2009/10/19 artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id>

> ane jawab besok pagi yaa.
> ane juga lagi belajar jadi BUAYA kaya embah.. hehehe..
> regards,
> A9
> --- Pada *Sen, 19/10/09, boyz® <m457...@gmail.com>* menulis:
> Dari: boyz® <m457...@gmail.com>
> Judul: Re: sahamnya apa aja sih..? Re: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan
> jangan dibawahnya
> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Senin, 19 Oktober, 2009, 11:10 PM
> Eh iya baru ingat...
> Jend Arto baiknya besok tetep fokus on BUMI aja deh.
> Besok 3200 bisa ga jend?  Deal?
> *
> *Kan PTBA bisa ngikut naik and bikin new high, tembus 15100.
> Cetek lah kalo segitu. Ya kan jend?
> Highestnya juga ga terlalu jauh, cuma 17.250 :)
> Mmm... UNSP kyknya butuh perhatian dan sentuhan khusus tuwh...
> Besok boleh lah di goyang2 biar ngikut kakak2nya si AALI, SGRO dan LSIP.
> mmm....
> Jangan lupa.... paragraf pertama ... 3200.  Deal ??
> Salam,
> 2009/10/19 artomoro9 
> <artomo...@yahoo.co.id<http://mc/compose?to=artomo...@yahoo.co.id>
> >
>> naaah. kalo gini ane kaga pusing lagi. tinggal mana yg dipilih di jalankan
>> dan kapan.
>> ini baru embah namanya... hehehe.
>> terima kasih mbah.
>> btw:  ihsg dan sektornya bisa gak di aplikasikasikan pake BUAYA ini
>> mbah...?
>> regards,
>> A9
>> --- Pada *Sen, 19/10/09, jsx_consultant 
>> <jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id<http://mc/compose?to=jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id>
>> >* menulis:
>> Dari: jsx_consultant 
>> <jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id<http://mc/compose?to=jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id>
>> >
>> Judul: RE: sahamnya apa aja sih..? Re: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan
>> jangan dibawahnya
>> Kepada: 
>> obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com<http://mc/compose?to=obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com>
>> Tanggal: Senin, 19 Oktober, 2009, 10:45 PM
>>  *Coba dipilih ada yg cocok engga ama daftar ini:*
>> *- Coba diclick, mudah mudahan gambarnya keluar*
>> **
>> **
>> *CPIN <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlcpin.png>* 17/10
>> *SMCB <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlsmcb.png>* 16/10
>> *AKRA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlakra.png>* 16/10
>> *INDF <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlindf.png>* 16/10
>> *MYOR <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlmyor.png>* 16/10
>> *GJTL <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlgjtl.png>* 17/10
>> *ADMG <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwladmg.png>* 17/10
>> *INTP <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlintp.png>* 16/10
>> *SMGR <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlsmgr.png>* 16/10
>> *UNTR <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwluntr.png>* 16/10
>> *ASII <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlasii.png>* 16/10
>> *BBNI <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlbbni.png>* 17/10
>> *BMRI <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlbmri.png>* 16/10
>> *BBRI <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlbbri.png>* 16/10
>> *BBCA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlbbca.png>* 16/10
>> *SMRA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlsmra.png>* 16/10
>> *JSMR <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwljsmr.png>* 16/10
>> *PGAS <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlpgas.png>* 16/10
>> *ANTM <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlantm.png>* 16/10
>> *DILD <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwldild.png>* 17/10
>> *KARK <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlkark.png>* 17/10
>> *HMSP <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlhmsp.png>* 17/10
>> *PNLF <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlpnlf.png>* 17/10
>> *MPPA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlmppa.png>* 17/10
>> *AALI <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlaali.png>* 16/10
>> *LSIP <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwllsip.png>* 16/10
>> *SGRO <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlsgro.png>* 16/10
>> *HEXA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlhexa.png>* 16/10
>> *BSDE <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwlbsde.png>* 16/10
>> *JPFA <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwljpfa.png>* 17/10
>> *ADRO <http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwladro.png>* 17/10
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* 
>> obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com<http://mc/compose?to=obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com>[mailto:
>> obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com<http://mc/compose?to=obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com>]
>> *On Behalf Of *artomoro9
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 19, 2009 10:34 PM
>> *To:* 
>> obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com<http://mc/compose?to=obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com>
>> *Subject:* sahamnya apa aja sih..? Re: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan
>> jangan dibawahnya
>> saya gak punya tools BUAYA ini.
>> bisa gak share ke milis ini, saham apa aja yg sudah di atas mulut buaya
>> per 19 oktober kemaren.
>> matur nuwun.
>> gak usah pake gambarnya juga gak papa kok.
>> regards,
>> A9
>> --- Pada *Sen, 19/10/09, Ki Bango Tongtong <kibangotongtong@ 
>> gmail.com>*menulis:
>> Dari: Ki Bango Tongtong <kibangotongtong@ gmail.com>
>> Judul: Re: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan jangan dibawahnya
>> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>> Tanggal: Senin, 19 Oktober, 2009, 10:25 PM
>> Sip mbah......makin paham, matur nuwun :)
>> Sent from my BuyBakrie®
>> Power by DEWA
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"jsx_consultant" <jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. id>
>> *Date: *Mon, 19 Oct 2009 15:21:54 -0000
>> *To: *<obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>> *Subject: *Re: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan jangan dibawahnya
>> SiBill bilang pake Divergence Bar yaitu bar yg Closingnya dibawah
>> Opening...
>> Atau pake Candlestick biasa yaitu: DARK CLOUD juga boleh, mirip
>> kan ama Divergence bar diatas... hehehe...
>> --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "Ki Bango Tongtong"
>> <kibangotongtong@ ...> wrote:
>> >
>> > Mbah, setelah melakukan pembelian di atas mulut buaya, utk exit nya apa
>> ada aturan yg lain selain menyentuh mulut buaya?
>> >
>> > Sent from my BuyBakrie®
>> > Power by DEWA
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: "jsx_consultant" <jsx-consultant@ ...>
>> > Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 14:35:13
>> > To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
>> > Subject: [ob] Bermainlah diatas buaya dan jangan dibawahnya
>> >
>> > Bermainlah diatas buaya dan jangan dibawahnya
>> >
>> > http://www.obrolanb andar.com/ 
>> > pwladmg.png<http://www.obrolanbandar.com/pwladmg.png>
>> >
>> ------------------------------
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