if the rumor is true, what's the effect for BUMI cause the price of berau is 
very expensive.   i think this is not good...to much project and to much 
spending from liabilities.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "It's Elaine!" <elainesu...@...> wrote:
> *Perhaps they need cash to back Recapital on Berau Coal, rumor said. Please
> confirm to Artomoro Bakrie himself...*
> 2009/10/26 sangattangguh <johnramosbutarbu...@...>
> > mohon maaf bukan bermaksud menghasut nih...
> > saya perhatikan kok...sepertinya bumi berat banget ngangkatnya.
> > pemain2  besar udah pada keluar dan belum masuk lagi... sedangkan bandarnya
> > kayaknya kehabisan bensin nih....
> > Apakah betul ???? mohon tanggapannya mbah ????
> >
> >
> >
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