Just sharing...

Tahun 2007 berdasarkan Elliot wave saya pernah baca ulasan kalau akan ada 5
wave down (primary A)
Pada saat ini fakta-fakta buruk yang terjadi di financial market akan
dikupas satu per satu sampai semua borok dibuka

Setelah mencapai klimax akan ada 3 wave up (primary B)
Karena ada recovery,..pasar akan mendiscont keadaan sampai semua orang yakin
recovery sudah terjadi

Setelah itu akan ada another 5 wave down (primary C)
Pada fase ini akan turun untuk mendiscont masalah-masalah yang terjadi
sebagai akibat dari recovery, atau recovery tidak berjalan sebagaimana yang

So far A dan B sudah tercapai. Mungkin kita akan entrance wave C
Kalau dilihat dari chart IHSG.. kemungkinan yang terjadi adalah kita akan
bermain di range triangle yang dibentuk oleh 2 garis merah (selebar panah
Mungkin index akan mondar-mandir di range tersebut selama 8 bulan kedepan.

Soal IDRUSD.. range trading bisa 9400-11500. Melanjutkan pattern triangle
yang sudah ada. After all support 9000 sulit dijebol (flat base 3 tahun masa
mau dijebol :D)

Welcome widerange sideways :D

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:45 AM, boyz® <m457...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/10/29 Bagus Putra Perdana <disclosure....@gmail.com>
>> Tech Bubble was burst in 2000 and terrorist attack of 2001 made the fed
>> lowered the fed funds rate to 1 percent in order to prevent recession and
>> kept it there until mid 2004. the moves that create sphore of financial
>> innovations and engendered the housing bubble. they were keeping the rate
>> low for too long probably because 2004 election. at the time Fed had to
>> increase the rate because the system had been too abusive with credit.
>> everybody thinks house prices can only go the upper and upper ceilings. it
>> iwas a strong market because new economic power is growing across the
>> continent. it takes some lag for interest rate effect to start jolting the
>> economy. fed rate-cutting is a combative action. an adjustment is bound to
>> be happen because of the abusive credit practices and the low-interest rate
>> strategy along with the fiscal stimulus is a preserved action that is
>> basically done to stretch what was obliged to happen in 2008 to a much
>> softer-smoother way by "moving and dividing it" to a short-medium distant
>> continuity futurestarts from 2008 and onwards....
>> bingung eh? sama saya jg... saya benci makroekonomi...
> iya bro, ane juga....
> soale sering bolos kelas makro, dosennya jutek. :p

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