Numpang tanya bagi yang tahu, mana yang lebih besar
marketnya crude oil atau nickel dan tins? Mana yang
lebih vital kebutuhannya minyak mentah dengan kedua
logam berat tersebut? Kalau dalam waktu singkat minyak
mentah bisa turun dari $ 80an sempat kembali ke $
50an, apakah hal tersebut tidak bisa terjadi pada
harga tins dan nickel di LME?

--- Dhany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Setuju banget..
> Rasanya nggak akan semudah itu untuk switch produksi
> dan switch market
> Tapi ya namanya aja bandar, semua news bisa
> dijadikan senjata to..?
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Hanindyo Notohatmodjo 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 11:34 AM
>   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Berita nikel ini,
> apa pengaruhanya ya?
>   Hallo, 
>   Saya kira tidak perlu khawatir akan berita diatas.
>   Stainless Steel itu memiliki keunggulan yakni
> tahan karat, tahan perubahan suhu, mudah di
> fabrikasi, kuat, estetik, higenis, memiliki life
> cycle cost yang murah dibandingkan logam-logam
> lainnya. 
>   Masing masing punya karakter dan fungsi tersendiri
> berturut-turut (A - F - M):
>        Basic properties excellent corrosion
> resistance in organic acid, industrial and marine
> environments. 
>         excellent weldability (all processes)
>         excellent formability, fabricability and
> ductility
>         excellent cleanability, and hygiene
> characteristics
>         good high and excellent low temperature
> properties (high toughness at all temperatures) 
>         non magnetic (if annealed)
>         hardenable by cold work only (These alloys
> are not hardenable by heat treatment)
>        moderate to good corrosion resistance
> increasing with chromium content
>         not hardenable by heat treatment and always
> used in the annealed condition magnetic
>         weldability is poor
>         formability not as good as the austenitics
> moderate corrosion resistance
>         can be hardened by heat treatment and
> therefore high strength and hardness levels
>         can be achieved
>         poor weldability
>         magnetic
>        Comon uses computer keyboard key springs
> (301)
>         kitchen sinks (304D)
>         food processing equipment
>         architectural applications
>         chemical plant and equipment
>        automotive trim (430)
>         automotive exhausts (409)
>         colliery equipment (3CR12)
>         hot water tanks (444) Knife blades
>         surgical instruments
>         shafts
>         spindles
>         pins  
>   Dibawah juga saya sertakan tiga jenis stainless
> steel yang umum diproduksi di dunia, Austenitic,
> Ferritic dan Martenitic. 
>        304
>        430
>        410
>         Chemical Composition
>        (Austenitic)
>        (Ferritic)
>        (Martenitic)
>         (Max. unless otherwise noted)
>         Carbon
>        0.08
>        0.12
>        0.15
>         Manganese
>        2.00
>        1.00
>        1.00
>         Phosphorus
>        0.045
>        0.04
>        0.04
>         Sulfur
>        0.03
>        0.03
>        0.03
>         Silicon
>        1.00
>        1.00
>        1.00
>         Chromium
>        18.00
>         -20.00
>        16.00
>         -18.00
>        11.5
>         -13.50
>         Nickel
>        8.00
>         -10.50
>         Tensile Strength
>        Ksi
>        84
>        75
>        70
>        MPa
>        579
>        517
>        483
>         Yield Strength (0.2% offset) 
>        Ksi
>        42
>        50
>        45
>        MPa
>        290
>        345
>        310
>         Elongation (in 2" / 50.8 mm)
=== message truncated ===

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