ini dia kenape ane blm berani trading lagi di B7 skr...

pokoke maen gampang ajah la...
kalo confirm balik dengan meyakinkan ane tradingin lagi...
kalo BD emang mau jorokin sekalian... sok atuh... ane makan di bawah aja buat 
invest... kalo BD emang mau maen gila ane mikir waras aja... :)

--- In, Andre Andre <andre...@...> wrote:
> Wkkwkwkkwk masa gt aja kapok sehhhhh....B7 volume paling risk no 
> gain....without B7 there will be no liquidity in BEI......kering 
> kerontang.....without liquidity there will be no creation/destruction of 
> wealth.....alias kaga gerak market....wkkwkwkwkkw
> ________________________________
> From: "stock.bree...@..." <stock.bree...@...>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 4:54:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [ob] Kapok ama B7
> Hihihihihihihihi bozz are giggling while read this ^^ 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: "mekindascrewel" <siangmalamphoto@ id> 
> Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 09:47:17 
> To: Obrolan Bandar<obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com> 
> Subject: [ob] Kapok ama B7 
> I tadi sudah CL semua I punya b7 . 
> I kapok la main ini saham2 setan . 
> Mending juga I mainnya saham2 tak jelas skalian macam2 CNKO , KARK , DGIK 
> dllsb , mungkin bisa lebih baik . 
> So mulai hari ini I mau declare bahwasanya I akan bersih B7 from now on . 
> B7 = 5 B2 
>  
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