gak lah saya pemain kecil hehe (pelornya dikit) .....BMTR sih gak tahu apa2.... 
tapi ada info/rumor  DOID nanti mau dibeli dewa  sehingga kalau digabung gak 
jauh beda dari Pamapersada (the biggest mining contractor in 
indonesia)...... (gak tahu duit dari mana..namanya juga B7...dan gak berani 
jamin info bener walaupun yg kasih info sering bener juga )...soalnya northstar 
(pemegang saham utama doid sekarang ) kan udah lama temenan ama 
bakrie...northstar kan juga pemegang saham & convertible bond (kreditor) di 
BNBR juga) ...
di daily CL bilang besok akan ada conference call sama manajemen DOID.... 
btw seingat saya dulu CL juga yg bilang BUMI akan "beli" Berau lewat 
recapital..kenyataannya bener sekarang 

--- On Wed, 12/9/09, TimurLaut <> wrote:

From: TimurLaut <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Daily CL...HEXA new coverage TP 4150
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 3:12 AM


Pak Herman ini Jenderal juga ya? kaya Jenderal Arto.Banyak ammo nya..... 
Jam 11.16.24 tadi HEXA masih 2775.
Punten, apa lagi ya pak? BMTR boleh nggak Pak?

From: M Herman <hermanlatief@>
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Wed, December 9, 2009 11:16:24 AM
Subject: [ob] Daily CL...HEXA new coverage TP 4150


Good morning. There has been talk about big rallies in Jakarta today as 11 
public demonstrations are scheduled to mark the International Anti-Corruption 
Interestingly, despite earlier remarks that today’s rallies against corruption 
could potentially be hijacked by rogue elements, President SBY welcomes the 
rally. The President further urged the public to celebrate today’s 
International Anti-Corruption Day peacefully. Perhaps coincidental, the 
President cancelled a planned visit to Makassar in South Sulawesi to open the 
52nd Nusantara Day today. 
Perhaps more interesting is that President SBY confirmed yesterday that he will 
allow the Anti Corruption Commission (KPK) to continue wiretapping 
extraordinary crimes as part of his mission to combat corruption.  President 
SBY also said that he disagreed with any efforts to strip the KPK of its power 
to prosecute which have come up in the deliberation of the pending corruption 
court bill.  
The attitudes toward corruption in Indonesia are changing. KPK has very strong 
public support. The press in Indonesia is one of the freest in Asia. Change 
begins at the margin. Indonesia has come very far, but anticorruption efforts 
must continue. 
The estimate on the number of marchers is varied from 40-100k. Some even 
mentioned 300k (highly unlikely, I think). But one thing is sure to happen 
today.  We can expect Central and South Jakarta to be mired in gridlock. 
Jakartans have been told to leave home earlier. Rally schedules and plans are 
widely distributed. No less than 13k officers would be deployed to make sure 
that the rallies remain peaceful. Jakarta does not need extra problems to 
compound to its massive traffic problems. Average vehicle speed on roads is 
already so slow at 20km/hour. Can’t get any slower… 
Research Today: Hexindo, Excavating returns - Initiate with a BUY - Tp4,150  
 This is one of my high conviction pick in the small cap space (mkt cap 
US$245).  They are second biggest heavy equipment (Hitachi)distributo r in 
Indonesia trading on on 6.3x 2010CL while churning over 40% ROE with a sweet 5% 
divy yield.  This compare to 13x 2010CL, 25% ROE for United Tractors.  Their 
revenue and operating profit has been growing at 33% and 52% CAGR over the past 
five years 
Hexa with a more focused business model with considerably higher earnings 
growth arguably should not be trading at a discount to UT in this part of cycle 
(a Sellers market here).   Hexa is the dominate player in the super sized 
excavators with 100%, not typo here, market share in the over 250 ton class 
(Komatsu does not even have a product of this size).  Coal miners continue to 
upgrade (even Pama buy them) to these super sized excavators for operating 
efficiency as their scale up their production.  Bluesky for this stock will be 
from infrastructure spending accounting for less than 20% of sales compare to 
over 80% in this segment pre 1997.  BUY! 
Key takeaways: 

Demand for heavy equipment is set to accelerate over the coming years as demand 
for power, particularly coal-fired, is booming. China and India thermal coal 
demand may expand by 700m tonnes in just five years, equal to current global 
seaborne thermal-coal market 
The company sells 23% of its unit to mining sector, mostly coal companies and 
contractors, while revenue from mining unit contributing to 67% of total. 
Note that the company sold 54 large and giant equipments in Jan-Aug vs. 28 
units in 2008 and has further secured almost US$190m worth of contracts to 
deliver another 64 units of equipments in 2010 order book period 
The company has successfully de-leveraged its balance sheet after seeing its 
net gearing peaked at 144% as of Dec06, with net gearing as of Sep09 stood at 
33%. With its strong cash flow generation, we expect Hexindo to be in a net 
cash position in 2011.  
Stock trades at 6.3x 2010 PER and 4.3x 2010 EV/Ebitda, still below its five 
years average historical valuations.  Meanwhile, balance sheet and return are 
better than they were over the past five years 
DELTA DUNIA (DOID IJ) Conference call details 
Conference Call with Delta Dunia Makmur management team 
Date:              Thursday, 10 December 2009 
Speakers:      Patrick Walujo (Vice President Director), Thomas Husted (CFO), 
Budikwanto Kuesar (Managing director BUMA) 
Time:              8am - London 
4pm – Singapore/Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur/Manila/ Shanghai/ Taipei 
3pm – Jakarta/Bangkok 
Delta Dunia management team would discuss the latest progress post acquisition 
of Bukit Makmur (Buma), Indonesia’s second-largest coal-mining contractor. With 
a proven track record, long-term relationships with customers  and low cost 
base, Buma, in our view,  could benefit from the growing demand for thermal 
coal  from both domestic and regional markets. 
Please see attachment for calling details.


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