It's so comforting to have a friend like you, indeed.
I'm really grateful knowing that someone out there... still care...

It's hard to accept what's been the reality, a child away from you, that she
might not realized how hazard it is... riding a bike with no experience for
long journey... into the deserts...and all the horrible things that she
might encounter...

Crying out loud...?
I've already done this hundreds time, even in front of my daughter.
Nothing helps and nothing works...

Sorry to disturb this milis...

2009/12/20 Nindya G <>

> Ibu,
> Let's pray for Chesa and also for you. May she be protected by our good God
> and that you can also find peace.
> I completely understand how you feel. I will feel exactly the same way or
> even worse if I were you. But there is no way we prevent our children from
> pursuing their dreams, don't you think?
> My prayers are with Chesa and you, Ibu. You may cry if it will make you
> feel better. I wish I could be with you to lend my shoulder.
> With love,
> Nin
> ***No ocean you can't cross when you have faith, hope and love***
> ------------------------------
> *From: * fifi young <>
> *Date: *Sun, 20 Dec 2009 16:33:18 +0700
> *To: *<>
> *Subject: *Re: [ob] Wujudkan Permintaan ini...
> no.1 kayanya saya kalee ya...?
> soale minta bantuan sama warga OB untuk support Chesa,
> ngga usah bayar, hanya dgn klak klik klak klik doang...
> dari 8,000 member, yang melakukan cuma beberapa orang...
> sampe ada perintah dari Mbah aja nyuruh OB-ers bantuin saya...
> 'ga diladenin juga.
> kesimpulan saya...OB-ers menganggap saya mendapat gangguan jiwa ya...?
> hehe...never mind.
> Jujur aja saya hanya mau *menutupi ketakutan saya yang luar biasa ini*,
> takut Chesa mendapat kecelakaan, takut kehilangan Chesa...
> Mbah...I can't hold my tears..
> 2009/12/20 Nindya G <>
>> Udah tuh, Bu Fifi.
>> FYI, kalau orang dengan gangguan jiwa biasanya nggak merasa kalau sakit,
>> Bu. Yang bisa merasakan perubahan tingkah lakunya dan pengaruhnya adalah
>> orang2 terdekatnya.
>> Menurut Bu Fifi siapa di antara members OB ini yg sudah menunjukkan
>> gejala2 gangguan jiwa?
>> Hehe..
>> Nin
>> == only with the heart one can see clearly ==
>> --- On *Sun, 12/20/09, fifi young <>* wrote:
>> From: fifi young <>
>> Subject: Re: [ob] Wujudkan Permintaan ini...
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 8:50 AM
>> Thanks untuk anda yang telah menjadi FOLLOWER dari team rally ke
>> Africa/Chesa.
>> Saya blom ngerti tuh ngeupdate blognya gimana?
>> cuma ada 2 link ini:
>> http://africaon50cc .blogspot. com <>
>> www.dogonchallenge. com <>
>> semua member di OB sakit jiwa kali ya...? (termasuk ane...hehe.. .no
>> offense...)
>> bayangin...:
>> dari 8000 member yang dimintain bantuan untuk menjadi FOLLOWER
>> dgn hanya ngeclick link diatas...ngga pake bayar...
>> yang melakukan cuma 5 orang...
>> padahal uda panjang lebar dijelasin segala macem,
>> tetep aja tidak tergerak...
>> sakit jiwa 'ga seh...? hehehe...
>> disclaimer.on
>> 2009/12/20 Wong Cilik <gajahpelanduk@ 
>> >
>>> Mantap...  sailing mirip ikan duyung, sekarang mau naek motor ke
>>> afrika....  ngupdate ke blognya pake apa? Bisa nyari internet di Afrika ke
>>> remote area...?
>>> Duh...  baru ngebayang aja kayanya ini petualangan seru banget...  Thanks
>>> untuk invitenya...  Good luck and have a good adventure...
>>> Anak muda sekarang, berani dan pinter-pinter. ... gak seperti anggota
>>> pansus yang cuma mikirin aliran amplop dan kantong sendiri...
>>> wakkkakkakkakkaakkk aaa (nb...  lagi sakit jiwa nich...)
>>>  2009/12/20 fifi young <fifiyoung03@ 
>>> >

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